How to How to Text a Guy to Keep Him Interested

How to Text a Guy to Keep Him Interested


Text messages can be a great way to flirt with someone you like. They are quick, convenient and don’t require any effort on your part to look good. Texting is also the perfect way to start up that conversation with someone who’s caught your eye but isn’t responding as well as you’d hoped. If you’re trying to make him fall in love with you by text message, then this blog post is for you.


Here are some tips for texting men the right way according to psychology

-Acknowledge his effort: Nothing feels better than knowing you’ve put someone’s time and thought into something. If he sends a text, thank him for it! It lets him know you appreciate the conversation or compliment. You can also mention that it made your day to get his message.

-Text back quickly: There are ills of waiting too long before replying to a text from someone who likes you–it shows an interest in them as well as yourself. Faster responses show eagerness which is attractive to many people on dating sites like OkCupid. This makes the difference between receiving one more message later versus never hearing anything again according to research conducted by The company Text Chemistry.

-Don’t be too eager: It’s great to show interest in someone, but you don’t want to come off as desperate. Wait a few hours before responding back or ask if he would prefer you text him instead of calling–this will make it seem like less of an emergency.

-Don’t be rude: You may not always agree with what the person sends, but at least acknowledge that they’re talking about something important to them by saying “I’m sorry” when appropriate and making eye contact for five seconds during phone calls.

-Use Text Chemistry to send simple but powerful text messages to men: Use Texts To Make Men Love You, Text Chemistry becomes solution to get man’s attention. When you are in love with a man and want to get his attention, this product can help you. It is not a medicine or tools. You will not find any equipment in the package. As its name, it is about text that can create great chemistry between you and man who you love. Well, it is a book that will give a lot of solutions to make him love you.

Conclusion: Texting can be a fantastic platform for getting to know a guy you’re dating. If you do it right, text messages are a great way to show your affection and make him fall in love with you.

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