How to How to stop being jealous

How to stop being jealous


Jealousy can destroy relationships and also any other type of relationship. The worst thing is that jealousy not only destroys relationships, but also makes the person suffering from it suffer them as a great torment. If you are one of the women who feel the urge to look at your partner’s phone or enter their Face book profile every second and get angry if he has interactions with other women, then the time has come for you to learn to avoid being jealous of couple. In this article, we are going to give you the keys so that you learn how to stop being jealous.

Enjoy the time for yourself.

Enjoy the time for yourself and that your partner does not have to ask your permission to go out with his friends. In a couple it is good that you spend time together, in addition, it is necessary to be able to take care of the emotional bond that unites you, but it is very important that both of you have your personal space where you decide if you spend time alone or with other people.

This time that you spend without each other must be respected, this means that it is not necessary that you are calling him every moment to find out what he is doing or who he is with. You will tell each other about the experiences when you are together again.

Stop comparing yourself to others.

Another common reason for jealousy is comparing you with others. If you compare yourself with others, it is because you most likely should work on your self-esteem and your personal security. If necessary, talk to a professional, but you can also read self-help books that make you see how valuable you are and that comparing yourself to others, in addition to being negative for you, is also unnecessary. This is essential to avoid being jealous in a relationship.

Be grateful.

No matter what you are or what you have, it is very important to be grateful in this life. Jealousy sometimes blinds us because we want what others have or because we are afraid of losing what we already have. But, to avoid this and stop being jealous, it is necessary to live in the present and forget what others have or do not have.

Have a thank you notebook and write your thanks every day, do not forget that there is always a reason to be grateful. Being alive, healthy and smiling every morning is enough to be grateful, although if you look closely, you will find many more things to be grateful for.  Look at the little details of your daily life and you will be surprised.

Check your limits.

You still think that looking at your partner’s mobile from time to time is not bad because that way you ‘watch’ that he is being faithful to you and you can sleep more peacefully at night. But if you have reached the point of having to do that, it is because there really is no trust with your partner or at least not enough for both of you to have a good relationship.

If you distrust your partner, to stop being jealous you should review the limits that you have in your relationship and also review what is happening to you so that you have that distrust. The foundation of any relationship is based on trust and if it is broken there will be a lot to fix.

Learn to communicate better.

If you learn to communicate better, you will be able to communicate better with yourself and later with others. Find words for your emotions and name them. When something bothers you, speak with empathy and assertiveness thinking about what has made you feel bad, communicating it and looking for solutions so that it does not happen again.

But remember that you must focus on yourself and forget what others do or say. You are the owner of your emotions and your feelings. If you feel jealous, only you will have a bad time and relationships with others will be harmed, on the other hand, if you accept that you are jealous and communicate what is bothering you in an assertive way, you can solve the relationship with others and find a solution that can make you feel better. Also, trust yourself and you will automatically begin to feel less jealousy for others.

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