Couple How to solve relationship problems due to jealousy

How to solve relationship problems due to jealousy


When jealousy is installed in the middle of a couple then turbulence and problems begin.  Insecurity is the fundamental basis of this condition to the point that some people admit to feeling unhealthy jealousy and without justification, a situation that undoubtedly deserves the help of a professional. If you wonder how to solve relationship problems due to jealousy, keep reading.

Admit there is a problem.

The first step in solving relationship problems due to jealousy is to admit that there is a problem, especially when there are frequent scenes of jealousy and without apparent justification or when the insecurity is so great that it has completely affected the stability and healthy communication in the relationship.

There are people who are unable to admit that being jealous can represent a significant behavior problem, so until they get past that point and recognize that something is not right with one or both members of the couple there will be no way to improve.

Identify the cause of insecurity.

You may not like to hear it but jealousy is a reflection of your insecurities and your self-esteem problems, you do not trust or believe in yourself therefore you do not trust or believe in your partner. In order to solve the problems due to jealousy in the relationship, it is very important to determine the origin of these insecurities in order to attack them at the root.

If you have self-esteem problems, if you were deceived in the past or if you find it difficult to trust people, no matter what it is, you must detect it in order to work on this particular aspect and lead a much healthier and happier life. Mindless jealousy can not only end your current relationship but also affect your overall health and well-being.

Improve the ability to reason.

Before you get into an argument out of jealousy, think: does it make sense? It is logical? What caused the attack of anger? It is important to determine if those situations that seem to us a threat are really it or it is something of our imagination. If you are imagining or think you see something, you will only get a disproportionate reaction that will turn into an argument but without sensible or real bases.

In the event that the threat is real, it is useless to go crazy, dialogue is the best way to resolve conflicts. In this scenario, it is time to work on facing your fears.

Work on what makes us unsafe.

What makes you think that your partner could go with the first person who walks by?  Detecting what is the engine of that feeling is very important to work on those things that make you insecure.

Do you feel like you are not good enough? Why? How could you improve? At the same time that you work to answer all these questions, it is essential that you face your worst fears in imaginary situations in which you control your jealousy. What’s the worst that would happen if you find out that your partner is cheating on you? What would you do and why?  Would it really be that bad?

The moment you discover that this scenario would cause you a lot of pain and suffering but that it is not the end of the world and that you are able to overcome it, then you can say that you have managed to overcome your insecurities and become a much more rational and calm person regarding jealousy.

Seek help if you need it.

There are many levels of jealousy, some are simple, sporadic and harmless, others are downright dangerous. If you have ever physically attacked your partner or another person out of jealousy, if you have caused damage to objects or property or if you have even hurt yourself by threatening your well-being, then you should seek help as soon as possible.

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