How to How to solve relationship problems

How to solve relationship problems


In a couple relationship there are always disagreements, but this does not mean that the relationship works badly. It is common for a couple to argue about certain situations, but the important thing is to know how to face that discussion and how to resolve it properly so as not to take away the strength of the relationship. If you feel that the discussions with your partner have become part of the daily routine and that there is not good communication between you, do not be discouraged, you can get out of this situation and solve your relationship problems.

Steps to follow:

  • Talk to your partner. Try to sit down and talk about it and what is not working in your relationship. But deal with this issue promptly, beyond the attitudes that one or the other has had on different occasions. Tell yourself what you feel and how you feel about this situation. A relationship is built in pairs, so each one has a share of responsibility in this problem.
  • Identify the reasons for the latest discussions. Every fight, however superficial it may seem, has a true underlying motive that was not discussed at the time. They should try to identify that problem in order to solve it, ask themselves: Is it a real reason? Did the situation warrant for me to react in this way?
  • Respect above all. They must avoid disqualification and insults. They must respect each other and not hurt each other. Try to be as honest as possible about what is happening without hurting each other.
  • Try to improve your communication. Good communication is one of the foundations of any relationship. Talking things in time avoids wrong interpretations, silent anger and, above all, resentments. It is important to avoid bringing up issues from the past in discussions. Each situation has to be unique and resolved in the moment.
  • Acknowledge the partner’s mistakes to solve problems. When you are aware that you made a mistake, don’t avoid assuming it. Taking on mistakes strengthens them, and allows them to learn and grow. It is important to talk about how they feel and why they act that way.
  • Think about the positives. Think of all that you love about your partner and that leads you to want to solve problems today.
  • Think of new ways to act. Focus on the changes you need and think about ways to make them. You both need to maintain a flexible attitude and you both need to change in order to have a healthier and stronger relationship.
  • Live in the present. Once the discussion is resolved, leave behind everything that has to do with the past, focus on the present and bet on it. Do not forget your projects together, your shared moments and all those things that make you happy.


  • To solve relationship problems, it may be an option to go to a psychologist for couple’s therapy.
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