How to How to say I love you without saying it

How to say I love you without saying it


They say that words are blown away, and sometimes it is true. Saying ‘I love you’ to another person you care about can be very beautiful and even romantic, but if later the day-to-day acts do not accompany those words, a dissonance appears and, therefore, the words lose real weight with their meaning.

It is very important to show people that you love them and one way to do that is to say I love you indirectly. If you don’t know how to do it and want to show your love for others with facts, in this article we are going to show you how to say I love you without saying it.

Do nice things for that person.

Doing things for another person means being present in their life, sometimes just listening to what they have to say is more than enough to make them feel by their side. Therefore, you can say I love you without speaking by being next to that person you care about or doing good things for them with the sole purpose of seeing them smile.

Be attentive in conversations.

A good way to show interest and affection towards another person is to listen to them while they talk to you and also do it for real. To show that you really listen to them, you will have to remember what they said and, also, remember important things that happen to them, such as the day of an exam, their birthday …, and do something special for them!

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Make it feel special.

Making someone else feel special doesn’t cost that much and sometimes you don’t have to spend a fortune on material things either. Make him breakfast in the morning, prepare a nice dinner for him, leave a note of love or affection in a place where he will surely see it, buy him flowers (both men and women like it) on any given day, prepare an outing together to spend it big. There are many ways in which you can make the other person know that you love them indirectly.

Show interest in that person.

For the other person to know what is on your mind, you must show real interest in what is happening to him or in what he tells you. Give her opportunities to talk about things that matter or interest her, take an interest in her hobbies or what she does every day, ask her about things she thinks and discover something new about that person every day.

Another way to show interest in people is by trying to make them look good. For example, try to make him smile, tell jokes, tell him things that interest you or tell him that you want his opinion because it is important to you. There are many ways to show interest in that person and say I love you without saying it directly.

Physical contact.

Physical contact is a clear way of telling a person without words that you are close to them emotionally as well. You can hug that person you love whenever you feel it, kiss them, hold their hands or simply be very close to them whenever you have the opportunity to do so.

Touching people makes the bond grow, but of course it must be a pampered touch, because it is very annoying that you try to touch a person to show your affection but that person does not feel the same as you. Then rejection arises. If necessary, you can ask if you can hug him to show your affection.

Keep in touch.

Contact is very important to show interest in other people and today we have it easy to be connected with those we really love. Therefore, a message every morning to your partner, a message from time to time to other people, a letter, a call, etc., will make it clear that that person is important to you.

Remember that we have many facilities to be connected, but we can also make it very clear who we are not interested in or do not want to be in our life. If you love that person, make an effort and show that you are also connected to him/her.

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