How to How to say I love you

How to say I love you


When you have a partner, one of the most important steps is the moment to say I love you. Confessing and saying out loud what you feel is a key and decisive moment in any relationship. Saying the two magic words can be overwhelming and we are always trying to figure out who will be the person to say it for the first time. There are always certain fears, especially in case the feelings are not reciprocated, but if it is the case, you should not delay it any longer.

Steps to follow:

  • To tell your partner that you love her, you must choose the appropriate moment. It is not recommended that you confess your feelings when you have only been in a relationship for a few weeks. Novelty and whim can be confused with love and it is not a very accurate decision. You must wait for that peculiar cloud in which you are immersed disappears and your true feelings are revealed. You must know your partner well and be very clear that the relationship is serious. When you feel that there are prospects for the future on both sides, it may be a good time to confess what you feel.
  • To say that you love your partner you must be yourself. A declaration of love should be personal and with a lot of your own style. Think about how to express what you feel because it will be a perishable memory. The possibilities are many but try to find a way that has a lot to do with your way of being and with your career as a couple. Whether you opt for spontaneity or something more methodical, you should do it in a way that reflects who you are and who you love.
  • Before confessing the love, you feel for your partner, you should consider the possibility of a negative response or even doubts. You must be ready for any reaction. It is clear that when you take the step and say “I love you”, you have seriously considered the options and it is quite certain that you will succeed. But whatever the case, prepare to lose the battle just in case, showing yourself with confidence and good humor.
  • Make this confession a special and unforgettable moment. If you’ve planned to say it on a special date for both of you, think about what you’ll do to make it memorable as well. It can be a romantic dinner, an evening, after a kiss and a look in the eyes. These are just a few moments to say that you love your partner and you should never do it after a moment of passion, as they may not take it really. The best way to say “I love you” is by looking into her eyes, holding her hand or by the waist and in an instant that is really intimate.
  • It is very important to say “I love you” with a low tone of voice that indicates security, calm, you could even whisper these wonderful words in your ear. If you want to do it in a public place that is in a certain way intimate and if there are third parties, make sure they are trusted. While you confess your feelings, you should smile and not show nerves or anxiety. You must be satisfied with the mere fact of saying what you feel, do not expect him to answer you right away and enjoy the moment. If your partner loves you, even if it is not at that precise moment, they will tell you when you least expect it.
  • It is wise to be creative in saying that you love your partner. You must think of ways to express what you feel that are original and, above all, very yours. And above all show love, not just say it with words. Although love is beautiful, confessing it is even better to show it daily. The facts speak louder than words, love must be transmitted with everything you do daily.
  • Some very nice ways of saying “I love you” are to paint these words dedicated to your partner on a wall, rent an advertising support and put an advertisement expressing your love, you can go on a trip and take advantage of a romantic place to say it, take a walk around recognizable and memorable site, go to a beautiful natural landscape, close your eyes and say the blessed words. These are some ideas to say how much you love your partner and make it truly unforgettable.
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