How to How to recognize a toxic relationship

How to recognize a toxic relationship


When you think of a good relationship, you imagine yourself in a partner with whom you can share your dreams, your goals, your joys and your sorrows. But on many occasions this ideality is truncated with manipulation, control and discussions that give a very different image of what a healthy relationship really is. The toxic relationships can occur in any person, whether family, friend, relative or even co-worker. To prevent these types of ties from drowning you in suffering and anxiety, you must stop them.

Steps to follow:

  • Lack of communication and narcissism. These are two of the characteristics of toxic people. Generally their interactions are based on their own person and never yours, that is to say, the “I” is always ahead of all their sentences and having conversations with them is somewhat difficult without taking everything to the personal level and without that they lose their patience when it is your turn to make any exposition or reply during the dialogue.
  • Toxic relationships are based on control and irrational jealousy, whatever the scope: from the love affair to the professional. How to know that they are not healthy jealousy? It is simple, when the limits are crossed and the person becomes possessive and obsessive, an unhealthy behavior.
  • If we talk about a relationship or friendship, you will see that you notice that you distance yourself from friends or family or try to turn against them. If it is a toxic relationship at work, you will see that she will try to intrude on your relationships with other colleagues.
  • The lack of empathy and victimhood are symptoms of toxic relationships. Often when they are in the middle of an argument, these types of people try to win the battle, without paying attention to finding a good solution for both. His specialty is blaming others and becoming a total victim of any misunderstanding. It is your best weapon of manipulation.
  • Be careful with toxic people because they border on harassment and even psychological abuse. In general, these types of manipulative people have a profile that does not fit with everyone, so they approach apparently weaker people whom they can control, since they generally have low self-esteem and are usually dependent. This profile gives them wings to be manipulative and become toxic.
  • Sometimes toxic people use their “humor” to belittle you and we say humor in quotation marks because sometimes their jokes are not usually funny, rather the opposite.  Eye! Jokes are not always a symptom of toxicity. The problem appears when they become constant teasing to almost harassment. If you feel that her jokes are hurting your feelings and that they are not flirty or funny, you are probably dealing with a toxic person.
  • As we have said, manipulation is the art of toxic relationships. See if they pressure you to do things that you do not feel like doing because, in that case, it is a very bad sign since it is a sign that they are dealing with an abusive person. Do not let them manipulate you to do everything you do not want, it is a great symptom of toxicity.
  • When you find yourself in a toxic relationship, it is easy to defend the indefensible. The power of manipulation of abusive profiles over submissive profiles causes you to end up justifying the behaviors that are used on you, due to your feeling of inferiority. Do not let your feelings trample you or continue to suffer from a relationship that does not compensate you. Think about it, you don’t get anything good out of it. Realizing and getting out of this vicious cycle as soon as possible is the best thing you can do to get away from a toxic person.
  • To recognize a toxic relationship, it is necessary to evaluate if you have changed without realizing it, if you have been modifying your behavior and your behaviors. If you have become a more introverted person or even if your attitude is affecting your surroundings. You should also evaluate your feelings and see what you feel when you are around that person, when you spend time with him, if he takes away all your energy and exhausts you; it is another sign that he is an inappropriate person.
  • If you have already detected that you are in a toxic relationship, do not let it progress.  Even though you can’t pinpoint exactly what’s wrong, you probably don’t feel good around that person. So try to walk away, follow your instincts and not continue in a relationship that does not allow you to be you. If the relationship is unhealthy and the person is toxic, you already have a reason to break any bond that ties you to this person.
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