How to How to overcome the fear of commitment

How to overcome the fear of commitment


Throughout life, we make various decisions to achieve our goals, to learn and grow. When we are in a relationship, we go through several stages, each of which surpasses the previous one and is usually closer to the realization of a joint project. Although being in a relationship does not mean losing independence and freedom, many people at the moment of thinking about commitment invades an insecurity that paralyzes them and prevents them from moving forward. Here’s how to overcome your fear of commitment.

Steps to follow:

  • Recognize fear. The fear of commitment arises from personal insecurities; therefore, it is important to recognize it in order to work with it.
  • Identify what the fears are. Make a list of all the fears you have in relation to commitment, such as losing freedom, losing independence, etc.
  • Think about what they generate in you. Those fears prevent you from moving forward, they paralyze you. Reflect if they deserve it, if really the person who is next to you, it is not worth fighting against your own fears.
  • Talk to your partner about your fears. In this way, it can help you overcome them.  Many of your insecurities are assumptions about what can happen, and your partner can help you see another perspective.
  • To be able to overcome your fears you must act, they will not go away alone. You must face them, otherwise you will remain immobilized in this situation.
  • Balance the scale. Think about the positive aspects of commitment and compare them with your fears. Which side of the scale makes you happy and gives you the most benefits? Trust your abilities.
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