How to How to overcome emotional dependency

How to overcome emotional dependency


Each relationship is a world, it has its own characteristics, rules, customs, habits, ways of expressing itself and projecting itself. On some occasions, it may happen that one of them experiences an extreme emotional need for his partner, showing a pattern of submission and idealization towards her. These people are known as emotional dependents, since they reduce their entire capacity for well-being and pleasure around their partner. If you consider that you are an emotionally dependent person, here we will give you certain recommendations that will help you overcome it.

Steps to follow:

  • Take back your space. It is important that you try to recover those personal and individual spaces. Get together with friends without your partner, do activities that give you pleasure.
  • Avoid idolizing your partner, she is a human being, and as such, she has defects and virtues. Not everything he does and says is correct. You should try to work on the humanization of your partner in order to overcome emotional dependence.
  • What you think and say is just as important as what your partner thinks. When you don’t agree with something, say so. Don’t accept everything that is said for fear of losing it. Through differences, a relationship is also built and consolidated.
  • Work on your self-esteem. Low self-esteem is one of the factors that leads to emotional dependence, which is why you must work on your self-esteem. You must value and take care of yourself.
  • Re think. Try to take time to think about your relationship. Reflect on how you were before you met him and all the things that you have stopped doing for the relationship.  Maybe it is time to make some changes in the relationship so that you both feel better.
  • Go to therapy. If you feel that you cannot make these changes on your own, see a therapist to guide you through this process.
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