How to How to make my partner work

How to make my partner work


Do you think things are not going well in your relationship lately? If you are going through a bump, it is time to put all your strength in the couple to try to overcome it together and to be, again, as united as before. In the case in which you start a new relationship and want to do things well, it is also important that you take into account a series of habits and routines that are basic for your relationship to be healthy and the two members feel comfortable with each other. the other. In this article we are going to give you a series of tips so that you can know how to make the couple work by talking both about the moments of the discussions and about ideas to make the day to day special.

Steps to follow:

  • The first thing to keep in mind for a relationship to work is that, in the face of any discussion, fight or misunderstanding, we must adopt a decisive attitude. No matter how angry we are, it will be useless to shout and argue for hours, we will only get a general malaise and make the situation worse. So, before any discussion, we recommend that you remain calm, that you try to keep a cool mind and that you sit down to talk about what has bothered you.
  • We know that it is difficult to control your nerves and anger, but it is essential that you try if you want your relationship to go well because people understand each other by talking, not shouting. Therefore, talk with your partner, tell him what has bothered you and put a solution to it, thus, with a decisive attitude you will be able to overcome any bump that comes your way.
  • Another of the basic points to be able to make a relationship go well is that you accept your partner as he is. When we have been with someone for a while, we always tend to want to change them or try to make them do things the way we would like them to do but we have to start from a basic premise: each one is as they are and that is immovable. It is clear that we can give in and adapt to the needs of our partner but never try to change it completely.
  • It is important that if you want a couple to work, you spend time with each other. At the beginning of relationships, it is normal for us to spend most of our free time with our new partner but, over time, this time decreases and, many times, the meetings are always with family or friends, greatly reducing your time of privacy. In addition, if you live together, this situation worsens because it seems that, by sharing space at home, you already spend enough time with each other but it is NOT like that.
  • Going to the movies, taking a romantic getaway, going out to dinner or enjoying an afternoon at the bowling alley, for example, are perfect plans to do with your partner and spend time with each other. Being able to have fun moments in your relationship is essential for there to be complicity and connection;
  • But, although it is important to spend time together, the exact opposite is also essential, that is, having time for each other. A couple does not mean that it is a “pack” and that everything always has to be done together, it is very healthy for each one to stay with their friends separately, make plans with other people and can enjoy moments alone without the couple. This aspect is necessary, not only to be away from your partner for a while, but also to cultivate your own interests, to dedicate time to yourself and to have a little space to do whatever you want.
  • Keep in mind that it is very complicated that everything that interests you is also interesting for your partner so do not force him to accompany you to all the places or events you want to go and go with friends of yours with whom you do share that passion. In addition to enjoying your hobby, you will also share valuable time with your friends and that is very important.
  • Trust is the foundation of a relationship and, if this fails, the couple will not be able to do well now or in the future. Knowing that that person respects you, loves you and will not let you down is a basic aspect to be able to have a healthy relationship and not argue about fears and insecurities. In the event that there has been an infidelity involved and this is the reason for the crisis you are experiencing, you must decide if you are prepared to forgive your partner and, if this is the case, try to start from scratch and go back to put all your trust in her. If not, your life from now on will be a real ordeal: fights, jealousy, suspicions, control, and so on.
  • So, in order to have a solid foundation in your relationship, there needs to be trust, otherwise, everything you try to build will fall apart in the long run.
  • Another basic tip for making a couple work is not to blame him for everything that is going wrong. Even if you think that he is the one who is more to blame than you, the truth is that it is not true because a relationship is a matter of two and, as the saying goes, “two do not argue if one does not want to”; So stop being victimized and assume you’re part of the blame , only then, with honesty and humility, will you be able to move forward and solve your problems.
  • Although it may seem like a cliché, the truth is that for a relationship to work, it must be cared for and pampered very often. Like a plant that needs water and care to grow, a relationship is exactly the same so take care of it, be detailed and think about it so that the evolution is good and, each time, you are more united with each other. other.
  • In this sense, it is important not to be placated by routine and to try to get the most romantic and creative part to continue surprising our partner and make him feel unique in the world. A detail from time to time, a compliment or a surprise plan are necessary elements so as not to lose the magic and that the relationship works well.
  • Another important point to be able to have a healthy and stable relationship is learning to argue. Many people get too upset during discussions and authentic melodramas are created: shouting, crying, insults, etc. Knowing how to maintain a discussion without losing your nerves, I feel mental and rational and, above all, empathizing with your partner is of vital importance in order to evolve correctly and have a future. The yelling and insults will lead to nothing more than to worsen your day-to-day life and will mess up the relationship you are maintaining.
  • Sitting down to talk, exchange opinions, try to understand the other person and reach a final agreement to solve the problem is the most effective method to be able to discuss in a calm and decisive way. All the other discussions will lead to nothing but discomfort between you and, think about it, is it worth it?
  • And don’t neglect sex. In a relationship, sex is important because it is a moment of carnal connection, of letting the bodies speak and of connecting from another point less conscious and more instinctive. Moments of intimacy are essential for the future of a relationship so do not leave it aside and dedicate time and attention to your encounters.
  • Letting routine and boredom take hold in the bed can be a turning point that makes things start to fail little by little: bad moods, nonsense arguments, distancing, etc., are some of the signs that they can occur when sex is lacking in a partner.
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