How to How to make my partner respect me

How to make my partner respect me


Do you feel that sometimes your partner disrespects you? Overconfidence can make some people feel free to yell at, insult, or belittle their partner. This is, essentially, because there is no respect and it is something that must be remedied immediately so that the relationship has a future and so that the coexistence between the two is satisfactory. Respect is something basic and fundamental for a couple to be comfortable with the relationship and want to continue with that person.

Steps to follow:

  • One thing you must be clear about: if you are asking yourself ” how can I make my partner respect me?” It means that your relationship has already gone through a path from which it is difficult to return. Once respect is lost, the couple may find themselves in a swampy ground, remembering that respect is not something to be earned.  Overconfidence or the feeling of superiority to a person can lead to disrespect and if this happens in your relationship it is because your partner feels in a dominant position and with the possibility of putting himself on top of you and humiliating you. However, it is true that if it is caught in time, you can try to re-educate your partner so that he respects you again and values ​​you as a person. Here are some ways you can do it.
  • First, it is important that you know how to detect disrespect in a relationship.  There are some situations that are the spitting image of this problem but that many people “let go” making, in the end, the situation untenable. The symptoms that there is a situation of inequality in a relationship are the following:
  • If your partner looks at your mobile, email or your social networks: it is a sign of control and that invades your privacy, considering this fact as something “normal” in a couple. It is neither normal nor healthy because everyone deserves their share of privacy and, above all, the trust of the couple.
  • If your partner judges you for your clothing: you are you and you dress how you want and your partner must accept it. If he doesn’t, it is because he doesn’t like you just the way you are, and therefore doesn’t respect your individuality. Think that, before being together, you dressed like that and that person accepted it so now he has no right to tell you how you should fix yourself. In your body and in your life you command, do not forget it.
  • If your partner judges everything you say, think or do: this is one of the most obvious signs that your partner does not respect you. Well, he has to respect your way of seeing the world, your way of communicating and your way of being, as soon as he questions you and tries to cancel you, it is because he is not respecting you at all.
  • If your partner insults you or yells at you: although in an argument the spirits can heat up, the fact is that you should never cross that fine line that separates an argument from a violent situation. Name calling, yelling, or hitting are signs of your partner’s lack of respect for you.
  • When you detect any of these signs that we have detailed below, it is essential that at that moment DO NOT let it pass, do not accept their comments and sit down and talk calmly. You must defend your individuality, make him understand that that comment he makes annoys you and makes you feel uncomfortable with the relationship. Above all, remember (and remind him) that you are a person of integrity, with your opinions, your tastes and your decisions and that he cannot interfere in your whole life.
  • You are independent beings who decided to unite their lives in order to be happier, but that piece of individuality should never be crossed. You are together because you want to, because it is your personal decision that is why it should not interfere with your way of being in the world because it is YOUR life. In the event that you do not understand this very basic concept, we recommend that you seriously consider ending the relationship because you should never let anyone rule in a life that is yours and yours alone.
  • We do not recommend that you use threats or comments such as “if you continue like this I will leave you” because this type of comment will only lead to an argument or a momentary regret from your partner but it will not make them understand what you are saying. It is logical that the idea of ​​leaving the relationship goes through your head but do not tell them until you are completely sure about it.
  • Until then, the most appropriate thing is that you try to communicate with your partner, that you explain your feelings when he makes this type of comment, without yelling or nerves, but in a relaxed way to guarantee empathy. Explain in detail how you feel when he judges your wardrobe, for example, or when he belittles you for your thoughts. Do it in a calm way and encouraging the conversation, only then, will it be possible that he can understand you and that he wants to change so as not to hurt your feelings more.
  • Another way to get your partner to respect you is to put some distance between the two of you. We have already said it at the beginning of the article and it is that one of the main causes of this lack of respect is found in overconfidence so make them realize what you are worth, separate yourself from that person so they miss you and feel like being with you. Boredom or monotony in your partner can also make what used to be funny about your partner, now you hate it, but if you distance yourself a little, you will find it funny again.
  • It is essential that each one has his life and is independent in the relationship so that the life together is satisfactory. Missing yourself, planning dates, and having an individual life outside of your partner are essential for a relationship to function properly. So, stay with your friends, practice your hobbies, enjoy your company and dedicate a little time to your partner but never your whole life.
  • Finally, from this article, we want to advise you that if you see that after having explained it in all possible ways, after having tried different ways for your partner to value and respect you, the most appropriate for you and for your self-esteem remains in the same position is that you end the relationship in a definitive way.
  • As we have said, the essential reason for life as a couple is to be happier than when you are alone and if that person is constantly disrespecting you, if he is humiliating you or judging everything you do or think, in the long run, no It will be possible for you not even to be good with yourself. So, if you don’t see any changes, we recommend that you end the relationship and start over with yourself. You are worth a lot and no one can make you tremble or doubt your possibilities or your beliefs.
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