How to How to make my girlfriend laugh

How to make my girlfriend laugh


Laughter is essential in any relationship; it is the barometer that will let you know if your relationship works. A girl who laughs is a confident and relaxed woman who feels comfortable with you. Probably, if he doesn’t laugh next to you while he did before, something is not working between you or in his personal life, so the first thing you will have to do is ask yourself if something has changed between you lately and if You are giving the relationship all the effort it once deserved.

If you are in a relationship and are worried about seeing her smile more often, keep reading this article on how to make my girlfriend laugh and take note of the following steps to make your story go from strength to strength.

 Steps to follow:

  • If your girlfriend used to laugh when she was by your side and now not, the first thing you have to do is detect what is wrong with her. It is a cliché to say that women are complicated, but they are not so complicated when on the other hand there is a real interest in knowing what is happening to them.
  • Observe how he behaves with his friends and with other people. If he laughs with them and not with you, the problem is probably with you. Listen if nothing but reproaches comes from his mouth when you are together. If so, ask him directly what is wrong with him. Insist that he tell you very sweetly, it shows that you care about his feelings beyond the fact that you may like what you are going to hear. Give him confidence to tell you about his problems.
  • After all, if he is with you, it is because at some point he thought that of all the people he knew, you were the best option. Try to remember what you made him feel then and get it back now.
  • A fundamental trick to make your girlfriend laugh is to be positive and show your most loving side. Be attentive to her and pamper her when you see the opportunity to do so.  Approach a time when she is relaxed to tickle and kiss her.
  • Take an interest in what they do and turn their worries around, turning them into something funny. Girls often worry excessively about little things that actually go off their heads with a good hug and a nice comment on their worth. In other words, trust in her and in you is what you have to preserve if you want your girlfriend to be happy.
  • Suggest a different plan than what you usually do. It can be anything, like going to a museum. Turn the experience into something funny by commenting on the play and making something serious and normal, a particular adventure for the two of you.
  • Getting out of the routine is the best thing you can do to make your girl laugh.  Accompany her to those places where she usually goes alone and make any experience a game to bring out the girl in her.
  • Encourage her by proposing interesting plans that have to do with what she likes to do, or take her to see beautiful things in general, such as a botanical garden or a craft market. It will be easier for you to find curious things to joke about and make her laugh and it will help both of you to create a common imaginary. Experiences that become memories of both of you and no one else.
  • Research professional techniques such as those used by stand-ins. After all, making people laugh is an art that is acquired through practice. If you are already a funny person, they can help you get new material to tell. And if jokes are not your thing, you can learn gestures and ways to make a conversation the most pleasant.
  • An example of tricks to make you laugh is the callback or the technique of appealing to something that has already happened. Relate something that you are living with another thing that happened to you or tell her how beautiful she was the other day when you saw her arrive; these are things she will like to hear. In addition, you will show that you pay attention to what you do together and that you care, and a girl always values ​​that.
  • Another of the most popular techniques to make you laugh is the so-called gimmick or inside joke. It is about inventing a gesture or a movement linked to a sound that you can repeat when something happens to you. As a signal between you that you can use to get their attention or break a moment of silence. Even if you are not afraid of silences, being able to be quiet when you are with a person is also a sign of confidence.
  • Finally, to know how to make your girlfriend laugh and improve day by day, what you have to do is observe and listen to her. Know their strengths and weaknesses, their concerns; what they like to do. So you will know what makes them laugh better than anyone.
  • Agree with what she thinks as much as possible and respect her convictions. Be nice and sweet to your girlfriend. Although there will be discussions from time to time, remember that they can also be the first step to a movie reconciliation.
  • Keep in mind that, many times, what makes a woman laugh is anything that comes from the right mouth. That is, when they approve of a behavior, they let you know through their laugh. They just laugh when they like something.
  • Be delicate with her and do not make inappropriate comments (that is why it is important that you know her convictions), or at least not always. Make him want to be with you and the laughter will come by itself.
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