Couple How to make my girlfriend happy every day

How to make my girlfriend happy every day


Starting a relationship with a girl and becoming her official boyfriend is always a reason for joy and another series of incredible emotions. All this combination of emotions becomes much more intense if we also feel that pleasant thought of having found the right girl.  These feelings are very common at the beginning of any relationship, but it is also very common that if the relationship is not cared for properly it ends up withering.

If the question is going through your mind how to make my girlfriend happy every day and you are interested in maintaining your relationship for a long time, then do not stop reading the advice that we have prepared for you in the following article.

Steps to follow:

  • When a boy wants a girl, it is inevitable to pretend to be the perfect man for her, giving him every reason to think of you as the ideal man. Because of this, the most normal way to make your girlfriend happy every day is by showing her affection, but what is the best way to do this? Easy, first of all you must understand that all girls are unique, so showing affection successfully depends exclusively on their personality and needs.
  • Being the boyfriend of a girl and showing affection to her goes hand in hand. Using phrases to praise her beauty or any characteristic of her that is the reasons for your love are always well received, but of course, these phrases must be said with sincerity.
  • Phrases such as: “You are beautiful”, “You drive me crazy when you walk (you talk, look at me, etc.)”, “You are very intelligent”, “I love you just as you are, never change”, without forgetting to compliment your achievements and talents, they are the best way to keep her happy.
  • We all know the importance of physical contact. Caress your girlfriend gently on a regular basis at the right times, try that these caresses are respectful and do not have a sexual or suggestive tone.
  • Giving her a hug, holding her hand when you walk together, and caressing her face are all great ways to make your girlfriend happy every day. By doing these loving gestures you will make her feel loved and at the same time protected.
  • If you really care about her, it won’t be difficult for you to prioritize her needs over your own. But be careful, we do not mean that you stay in a constant background, but it means that on some occasions you will have to give in with her, even if you really want to do something different.
  • We cannot speak of happiness in a couple if we do not refer to sex. It is important not to rush this topic, treat your girlfriend with respect and patience, when the time comes, she will let you know her desire to reach intimacy.
  • Improving this aspect of the relationship is essential to keep your girlfriend happy. It is important to be open about this topic and speak honestly, girls like sex as much as boys and being creative in this aspect of the relationship is something they will certainly appreciate, especially if you mix sex with romance.
  • Maintaining contact with a person is something that today is very easy to do, especially if we rely on technology and the media. Without being overwhelmed, when you are not with her you can resort to the use of mobile applications such as the popular what’s app to write beautiful messages, using images or videos to enhance these displays of affection.
  • One of the biggest complaints women make about men is that they don’t listen to them.  This is something that does not happen only with our girlfriends, but it is a common behavior in men, when a topic does not interest us we go beyond it. When it comes to a girl, and especially when there is a romantic relationship involved, making these displays of disinterest in a conversation can be unpleasant.
  • It is important that you always listen to her, whether it is a trivial topic of conversation or something that annoys her or cares for her; let her know that she can tell you anything and that you will always be there to listen to her.
  • Another way to make your girlfriend happy is to always support her; this does not mean that you should underestimate her by making her believe that she cannot achieve anything on her own. Many women are very independent and are proud to be so and this is something you should respect and admire, but knowing that you are by her side supporting her decisions or even defending her in public, is something that will make your presence value even more and of course it will make her feel very happy.
  • Surprise her, be creative, and never let the time of a relationship make you feel comfortable, taking certain things for granted and falling into monotony. The best way to keep your girlfriend happy is if you try to make her fall in love with her every day as if it were the first. A gift is always well received by a girl, and we are not talking about going into debt to get it, often something simple but made from the heart, can have an effect as powerful as something expensive.
  • You do not need reasons to give a gift, what better than to arrive with flowers, a card or a teddy for no reason? This gesture will surprise you and will certainly brighten your day. It is also important to dedicate time when it comes to a special date, a well thought out and prepared gift for an event such as your birthday or anniversary will always be a source of joy, especially if it comes from you.
  • Respect their individuality, seeking a balance between spending time as a couple and each having time for himself. It is important that neither of you live in the shadow of the other. Surely she also wants to spend some time with her friends from time to time, and this is something you must respect but it is important that you also demand to have the possibility to invest time in yourself.
  • If on your part you need a break from her, tell her in a sweet way, it is always good to convey a pleasant message and not demand as if it were an alpha male. The best way to do it would be with a phrase like: “You know I love being with you, but I haven’t seen my friends for a while, do you mind if I go out with them this weekend?”
  • She will be happy exchanging time between her personal life and the relationship she has with you, also, another advantage of spending time apart is that you will give her the possibility of missing you. 


  • If at any point you make a mistake, be a man, admit your mistake, apologize and tell her how much you love her.
  • Avoid laughing when she is serious, there are moments to laugh and moments to talk, and if you take all her words as a joke you will make her think that you do not respect her opinion.
  • Friends often occupy a very important space in the life of any girl. Never disrespect any of her, and better yet, if you can become her friend too.
  • If you want to make your girlfriend feel that she is special and happy, avoid talking about your ex at all costs, she will feel that she is in a competition and that she is just one more on your list of relationships.
  • It is not bad to be friends with other girls prior to the relationship and many girlfriends respect this. But, if you see that this can become a problem, try to create space between these friends and your relationship, without a doubt your life will be easier and your girlfriend will be happier.
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