How to How to make my boyfriend fall in love with...

How to make my boyfriend fall in love with me more


Although in both a personal and romantic relationship we cannot demand that someone feel more for us than they naturally already feel, we can take into account certain premises so that our boy does not fall out of love before his time or realize that we are the woman of your dreams. The trick is to make you essential, to see that you are the best for him, that you have something special that he has not found before and that he does not want to be separated from you. To achieve this, spells or psychological persuasion tricks are not worth it, since we are neither magicians nor do we intend to manipulate anyone, but rather follow some guidelines that we tell you in this article about how to make my boyfriend fall more in love with me. Pay attention!

Steps to follow:

  • Don’t pretend to be who you are not. Show yourself as you are, because authenticity is what we value most in people. If your boyfriend has already noticed you and is still with you, it is because he likes you just the way you are. It is not necessary to adopt any character that is not yours or to pretend that she falls in love with someone who does not exist, because in the end she will realize who you are, with what you will achieve just the opposite: that she gets scared and runs away from you. Differentiate yourself from the rest, girls there are many and very similar, we do not want to be one more but the only one.
  • Take care of your appearance and do not relax. Although your boyfriend has noticed you and aesthetically likes you because he has already shown you, never let your guard down. Not because there is trust we have to neglect our image, if we have always taken care of it before. Relaxing because you already have the person you want by your side is a very common mistake that we should not fall into. Be flirtatious, make yourself beautiful for him always as you do for yourself, do not neglect your hygiene or your wardrobe. It is about never giving up taking care of ourselves and pampering ourselves.
  • So that your boyfriend falls more in love with you, if possible, you have to continue being that smiling and flirtatious girl who captivated him. There is no use falling in love with someone and then passing on that person. Keep flirting with him, telling him what you were saying at the beginning. In short, continually seducing and surprising you. You have to be the sexiest girl for him, the most fun, with whom he wants to be continuously and notices your absence when you are not, without meaning with this that he cannot make his own life, but that he likes to always share it with you. We all like to have someone on the positive side, who is happy and optimistic, do not just share the bad things with him. Be ingenious and dismount with your comments, opinions and that tranquility of saying what you think because you are sure. A funny and witty girl is the best company anyone would want to have.
  • That sex does not decline. This is very important for men, as it is for us, but they by nature have other types of needs and are almost always willing. It does not mean that you have to be predisposed whenever they need it, but that the sexual issue does not decline, not to go from being sexually active to not sharing any sex together anymore. Sex unites, relaxes and falls in love more because very intimate moments are shared. Experiencing new things is very healthy for the couple, do not stop surprising them with sexy underwear, with toys, with situations, that they do not see that you have become sexually boring.
  • Respect their personal space. As much as he is with you, as a person, he needs his own living space. Don’t let him stop pursuing his hobbies, don’t stop him from giving up what he always liked to do. On the contrary, encourage him and encourage him not to abandon him, to continue doing his things even if that means not being with you all the time. He will value your understanding and that freedom that you offer him that, like everyone, he deserves and has to enjoy. Here we include that you trust him and do not be the typical jealous one who censors everything for fear that he will like another woman. You have to respect her friendships, boys and girls, you have to encourage her to stay in touch with her life and not lose anything of it because in the end this turns against us.
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