How to How to make a guy jealous

How to make a guy jealous


Jealousy is not good at all, but when the object of desire is further away than close and we desperately want to get their attention: jealousy seems to be the best option! And it is that as the saying goes: in war and in love anything goes.

If you want to attract the attention of a boy, you can use techniques that arouse his jealousy and work in your favor. Of course, you have to know how to do it because otherwise everything can go very wrong, so learn from the experts and find out in this article, how to make a boy jealous, without dying trying. 

Steps to follow:

  • In the age of technology, everything is easier. To make a guy jealous, just be around him, take out your cell phone, start texting your best friend, and laugh mischievously every time you receive a text message. What will he think? That you are talking to another boy who is interested in you and that all the time you have been with him you do nothing but laugh and talk on the cell phone.
  • To make a boy jealous you must be more beautiful than ever. Your best hairstyle, your best dress and most importantly: your best smile. If you do not want that person to know that you are still looking for her or you intend with jealousy that she is running after you, the most important thing is that she sees you well, happy and happy to be without her. The male ego is so strong that it will not be able to resist it.
  • Talking to another man is without a doubt the best way to make a guy jealous. It does not matter if it is your friend or the porter of the bar, the important thing is that your attitude is doubtful without falling into flirtation. You can laugh a lot while talking to this person, make an intimidated face, or just enjoy the conversation as much as you can to the point of forgetting that you are going to make a guy jealous.
  • Another trick is to ignore it. Avoid giving importance to their presence, their conversations.
  • , their looks to their existence, yes, this should be done in a very natural way because if you are very fake it may seem that you are upset. Enjoy the moment as if he were not in the same place, laugh a lot, talk with other people and, preferably, go home before him.
  • You can also make a boy jealous if, being the two of you in the same place, you say goodbye first and say that you have another commitment that you cannot stop attending. This will make him think that you are going out with someone else even though your only plan is to put on your pajamas and sit on your bed eating ice cream and wait for him to show up.
  • Keep busy. For what? For him to see that you have a life without him. How? Through your social networks. It’s not about posting photos to Facebook with other kids or posting all the photos from the only party you’ve been to in two months, it’s about seeing your life go on and it’s still a lot of fun without him. Control the pace of the publications, it is not good that you are too exposed and he is constantly receiving notifications from you.
  • Tell him that you are busy that you have met that day with another person who is better off another day. Don’t be sorry, it’s for the best. In the same way, if she calls you, tell her that at that moment you are leaving home, that she can call you at another time. If you can’t wait, you can call back, at least 24 hours later.
  • If your intentions are for the boy to go out with you again or to notice you, do not overdo it with jealousy, remember that he can interpret the opposite message. Jealousy is a double-edged sword, you must know when you are reaching the limit and, if it does not work, then better find a boy who you do not have to make jealous so he wants to be with you.
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