Couple How to maintain romance in the couple

How to maintain romance in the couple


The detail, affection and care in the relationship are fundamental and become part of what we usually call romance. But the reality is that for many couples this type of care is part of a first stage, which is later forgotten over time. Romanticism is appreciated by many and even becomes a demonstration of affection for others, that is why we give you some tips so that you can discover how to maintain romance in the couple regardless of how long they have been together. 

Steps to follow:

  1. Say what you feel: Saying I love you when we feel it, telling that dear person that we care, that we are excited to be by their side, that their company makes us happy, are ways of letting them know how much the relationship fills you. These types of gestures are full of romance and let the other know that no matter how long they have been together, they are united by a deep love.
  2. Show your love: Just as important as telling the other that we want it is to show it with everyday actions and gestures. Caring for that person, always offering your support, your love, always being there. But in addition, romance also feeds on details: a romantic dinner or breakfast, some flowers for no reason, creating a special moment without celebrating anything. These types of gestures are what give the relationship a special touch, making our partner feel unique.
  3. The importance of sex: Sexual intimacy is fundamental when it comes to romance and it is that sex strengthens the bonds and makes us bond more with our partner, that is why it can never be neglected. But it is also a perfect opportunity to combine romance and eroticism, to make our partner feel desired and know how important it is for us.  Never falling into the sexual routine and keeping the flame alive is essential so that romance is always in our relationship.
  4. A time for you: Sometimes the busyness of the daily routine, responsibilities, children and worries make it difficult to share quality time with our partner. This situation can end up distancing them, making romance difficult, so it is important to find time to be alone and in privacy. Remember that in addition to everything you are also a couple and deserve to be together and enjoy some time for yourself.
  5. Vary your routine: It is clear that every day we must fulfill certain commitments, but one of the keys to romance lies in surprising your partner, so it is good to get out of the routine and try to do different things when you spend time together. This will also help them to accumulate beautiful memories and not fall into monotony, one of the worst enemies of relationships.
  6. Respect, understanding and humor: These are three words that should always be present in a healthy relationship and that are also necessary to keep romance alive. That is why we must keep them in mind and put them into practice, always respect our partner, understand them and face life with humor to reduce tension and keep romance always alive.
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