How to How to learn to control jealousy

How to learn to control jealousy


Jealousy and insecurities can become one of the worst enemies of relationships as a couple, and it is that once they are installed with force it is difficult to make them disappear. When they appear occasionally and under the gaze or praise of a third party, they can be sympathetic and a sign that the other is interested in you, but at the point where they become exaggerated and appear for no apparent reason what previously seemed like a Grace, it becomes a conflict. If this is your case, learn at once how to control jealousy to improve your relationship

Steps to follow:

  • Determine where your jealousy comes from, sometimes it is a lack of confidence in yourself, which makes you believe that the other person can abandon you for anyone, on other occasions they are due to previous experiences, in that case it is time to overcome it and understand that every relationship is different. In addition, the influence of having grown up in a family environment where your parents were jealous of each other could make you more predisposed to the subject, so it is important to determine the root of the feeling.
  • Work on self-confidence, knowing what you are worth, understanding your qualities and why your partner or people close to you choose your company is very important to learn to control jealousy, because to the extent that you are safer Feel less will be the obsession of being abandoned.
  • Remember that we all need our space, absorbing your partner or wanting to be with her at all times will not only prevent the other from cheating on you if they wish, but it can also quickly wear down the relationship because we all want a personal space.  To the extent that you work on trust in your partner, you will be able to allow her space.
  • Develop your own activities and hobbies without your partner, do not forget that before that person came into your life you were an individual human being with your  own tastes and passions, it is important that during the relationship you maintain this, and just as the other must have your own space, you too. Practicing other activities will help you calm anxieties and feel more confident in yourself by exploiting the things you are good at.
  • Avoid negative and destructive thoughts and separate fact from fiction. Jealousy sometimes makes you lose objectivity and see things where they do not exist, therefore it is important to control both verbal and physical hostility in the face of a situation that you consider threatening.
  • Before the imminent onset of an attack of jealousy, make an effort to stop to reflect and remain calm. Find a quiet space to lower your spirits and think about what is bothering you, sometimes with a cool head you can see better and more clearly the situation that bothers us and detect if it is part of our exaggeration or a real situation.
  • Pay attention to the issue of “sense of ownership”, no one belongs to anyone, the couple exists because two people voluntarily decide to be together, but relationships also mutate or end, when you visualize that the world does not end because a relationship does, you understand that On many occasions, jealousy and irrational reactions to a possible abandonment do not lead to anything, because that will not make the union last longer.
  • If your current partner has been unfaithful on several occasions and that has made you too jealous, perhaps it is time for you to really think and evaluate if being by their side is the right thing for you. Excessive jealousy is a vicious cycle that exhausts and wears us down. If you are constantly subjected to infidelity situations, it will be very difficult to be objective, overcome your fears and improve your self-esteem.


  • If you have noticed that your jealousy is excessive, translating into psychological or physical violence, it may be time to talk to a specialist.
  • You can go to the advice of a friend, but do not look for someone who is too jealous like you, because you will only increase insecurities, go to someone more objective.
  • Remember that although all couples have their problems, the purpose is to make that a happy union and not a roller coaster of negative emotions.
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