Couple How to improve coexistence as a couple

How to improve coexistence as a couple


It is not a secret for anyone: coexistence is hard. And no matter how much in love they are, it is not easy, and it is that they are two people with their own beliefs, habits and hobbies living in the same space. However, learning to live together is essential if you want the relationship to progress in a positive way, and some suggestions could help make the day to day more bearable. In this article, we give you several keys to discover how to improve coexistence and make the relationship grow.

Steps to follow:

  • It is clear that essential aspects such as respect and communication cannot be lacking in order to have a successful relationship, but in this case, we will address more specific solutions understanding that as a couple these values ​​are present. If instead they have lost them, improving coexistence may require a much greater effort.
  • Basic and essential: even if you don’t believe it, life as a couple is a constant negotiation, that’s why you have to learn to give in. Things cannot always be done how and when you say, there must be the necessary balance. Today they eat what you want, tomorrow what the other wants, and so on. It is difficult for another person to do everything exactly the way you do it, so it is very important to understand our differences, accept them and learn to negotiate and give in for a good coexistence. If each one closes in on their wishes, without negotiating, the relationship will become a battlefield or a scenario in which only one is happy while the other does not stop giving in. Is that what you want? we suppose not, so to be more flexible!
  • There is something that helps a lot to coexistence as a couple and it is personal work.  Detect those attitudes that we know that, living with another person, could make it difficult to coexist. For example, if you are very messy, you must be aware that it is a point to work, do it and give your best in the process. Although the other person agreed to live with you with your defects and virtues, it is true that we can make an effort a little to make the day to day more bearable without dying in the attempt.
  • This is especially true for girls, although it applies to both: crystal balls do not exist, the other person cannot guess what you want, how you want it and where you want it if you don’t tell them. During our growth we received a certain education and, whether you like it or not, many of those habits you take when you decide to live as a couple, you like things in a certain way, but if you do not communicate it, how could the other find out?  Most of the coexistence problems arise because of this, so remember to always talk, explain your points and maintain active and healthy communication.
  • Empathy: Having the ability to put ourselves in the place of the other. What a beautiful word, but do you put it into action? Understanding, for example, that it bothers your girl to always find the toilet seat on top, or the sink full of hair, putting yourself in her place and knowing that avoiding a nuisance depends on you is essential to stop doing it. Calling if you are not going to eat at home or if you are going to be late, being able to put yourself in the place of your partner and be able to determine that certain actions could be irritating, is a great help in coexistence, take it into account and apply it.
  • Consult as a couple everything that involves both of you, for example plans for the weekend, inviting friends to the apartment, having a party at home. It is not about dependency when making decisions, but life as a couple consists of two, and to build four hands are necessary, that is why resolutions must be taken with two heads.
  • The house, that space that they share together, should be a refuge every day, not a center of hostilities. Learn to work as a couple, to collaborate, to make day-to-day more bearable, so that coming home is a pleasure and not a torture, it is to talk and relax and not argue and stress. Clearly it is not easy, it requires work, but is it not so with all the good things in life?
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