Couple How to have a sincere relationship

How to have a sincere relationship


Relationships are complicated, especially in the coexistence stage. Its members have to deal with a multitude of setbacks and differences to gradually create a space together that is as close as possible to a stable and true relationship. Sometimes, it is difficult for us to convert our incipient life as a couple into real and true love, either due to our own shortcomings or due to external fears and pressures.  We want to help you build a healthy and real relationship, in which you feel comfortable, safe and happy. If you are interested in how to have a sincere relationship with the person you love, don’t miss this article.


Steps to follow:

  • The foundation of any relationship is communication, but fluent and honest communication is not easy to achieve. One of the keys to having good communication is empathy, the ability we have to put ourselves in the place of the other. Without good empathy, it is difficult for us to know how our partner may feel under the circumstances or our behavior. We can develop empathy by getting to know ourselves better and reflecting, before doing or saying something, how that would feel to us. Self-control is also important to avoid impulsive reactions like outbursts of anger.
  • Another fundamental basis for good communication is assertiveness. Being assertive is about learning to say things in a firm but polite way and choosing the right moment. There are multiple ways of saying things and the reaction we will get from the other person can largely depend on this.
  • Communication is not just about “hearing” what is being said to you, but you must “listen” to it, that is, practice active listening. If we listen to what our partner says, instead of hearing it, we will be able to understand her better and, consequently, communicate with her in an optimal way.
  • Routine is one of the things that can most destroy life as a couple. It is important that its members are able to break with a dynamic that no longer contributes to the relationship. It is easy for us to get tired of the other if we always do the same, the couple must be willing to open new horizons that expand their world and make it more enriching. This may require effort on the part of both partners, but it will certainly be necessary and beneficial to both.
  • The couple must always take care of themselves, not consider that they are already conquered and that it will be so until the end of days. Modifying habits, doing new activities together and, ultimately, breaking with the daily routine will strengthen the relationship and make it richer and more sincere.
  • Problems must be faced in company, it is important that each member of the couple is able to fully trust the other person to explain their concerns, desires and anxieties. A relationship in which this does not happen is a relationship doomed to failure. So if what you want is a sincere relationship, cultivate that facet.
  • It will be very useful to be able to de-dramatize the situation and be optimistic. Always looking for alternatives together for the setbacks of life will strengthen you in your relationship. Not judging and understanding your partner will also make it easier for them to open up to you and you can help them in a better way.
  • Having a life of your own, independent of the one you spend with your partner, will also improve your relationship. It is important that your life is not limited only to the one you do as a couple and that you enjoy a social life independent of the one you have formed with him / her. That will give you a very healthy independence and autonomy that will enrich your relationship and yourselves, becoming someone less dependent and more flexible, who will be able to see the relationship problems that arise from another perspective and develop a greater power of resolution.
  • Human beings are contradictory and complex, we need to have a full life to feel complete, therefore, keep your friendships, practice your hobbies alone and maintain a good relationship with your family.
  • Sex is very important for the relationship to work, it should not be neglected, plus it is very necessary to experience new things and feel relaxed and calm.
  • Sexual attraction is something that decreases over time, it is normal, but in exchange for the lack of novelty, you can promote trust and a deeper love. If you trust your partner, you may be able to experience different things in terms of sex that perhaps you did not dare to do when you knew each other less, or you can even perfect a practice that you weren’t too good at before. The well-understood trust in sexual relationships can make sex better and more satisfying, but provided we want to improve and innovate.
  • Love, caresses and pampering are not out of this facet of the relationship. Any type of intimacy that is pleasant and creates a bond between the two of you must be strengthened, only penetration is not necessary to enjoy a good sex session as a couple.


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