How to How to have a good long distance relationship

How to have a good long distance relationship


The way we relate and find a partner has changed radically in recent years. Thanks to the popularity that social networks have acquired, more and more people are meeting the love of their life without having to live in the same city. However, no relationship is perfect, and when you start dating someone who is not in the same location as you, you face an inconvenience that could even end the relationship distance.

A long distance relationship can be quite difficult to carry, as it requires more dedication and commitment than a courtship where both people live in the same place. However, if you really love that person, it is worth fighting for things to turn out well. We want to help you make your love life a success and that is why, in the following article, we explain how to have a good long-distance relationship through a series of tips. Take note!

Dedicate a little of your daily time to your partner.

To have a good long-distance relationship, it is very important that every day you make a gap in your agendas to communicate and talk about how your day has gone, how you are doing at work or simply to talk about hobbies that you like to both. Good communication will be essential so that little by little you create a stronger emotional bondOn the contrary, if you let the days go by and the only means by which you communicate is through instant messaging, you will not be able to connect in an intimate and sincere way.

If you have a good Internet connection in your homes, take advantage of the fact that there are different communication channels such as video calls so that you can be chatting for a while, watching each other online and without spending a lot of money on your phone bill.

Seeing you avoids problems in long distance relationships.

It is obvious that due to the distance it is more difficult for a couple to see each other with the same regularity as if both of you were living in the same place. However, it is necessary that, whenever you can, take advantage of any opportunity so that you can be together.

To do this, it is best if you commit to seeing each other from time to time. That is, if your lifestyle, work and / or budget allows it, you can propose that, for example, you see each other twice a week or that each weekend one of the two stays to spend those days with their couple, and vice versa.

Without trust, the long distance relationship grows cold.

If in any couple trust is fundamental, in a long distance relationship it is even more important. It is normal that when you start dating a person, at first you harbor certain doubts about whether he is totally committed to you or not. However, when you’ve been dating the distance for a while, you need to fully trust each other.

On the one hand, it is important that you develop that trust in your partner, because if you constantly think that he may be cheating on you with another person, you will end up destroying yourself. And on the other hand, that type of mistrust will end up leading to a serious problem of jealousy and insecurity that could, consequently, end up breaking your relationship.

Respect their personal space.

It is important that despite the distance that separates you, you respect your respective personal spaces. This may seem obvious, but there are some people who do not understand that each of us needs to spend a moment alone, either to play sports or visit our friends without having to report on our steps every minute of the day.

Just as it is important, as we have explained in previous points, that you dedicate some of your time to the couple on a day-to-day basis, it will also be important that you are not bothering or harassing that person, since the only thing you will achieve is that he thinks that you are a dependent person and, finally, he will end the relationship because he will feel overwhelmed.

Talk about the future of the relationship.

Although right now it is a long-distance relationship, sooner or later you will have to  consider the idea of ​​living in the same city and even in the same house. It is important that you talk about this matter calmly and constantly over time, since the decision you will make is very important.

Among the aspects that you will have to talk about, it will be about who will be the one who moves to the other’s city, the possibilities of requesting a transfer at work or looking for a city that is close to your respective origins. However, as we have indicated, these decisions will have to be deepened little by little, since taking them abruptly could be too stressful for both of you. If you don’t know how to know if a long-distance relationship is working, the day you talk about moving in together, you will see that it is working.

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