How to How to handle a liberal relationship

How to handle a liberal relationship


For many, liberal relationships sound crazy and unstable, while for others they are the perfect solution to reduce conflicts and learn the art of giving space to your partner.

Certainly, many thinks that the fact of living as a couple forces you to belong to that person, ignoring that we continue to be ourselves even though we are in a relationship. But is it possible to move forward with a liberal relationship? It depends.

Steps to follow:

  • Liberal relationships are those in which the couple does not feel tied, having the freedom to go out with their friends, enjoy social gatherings and do things with absolute freedom and without having to consult their partner. Only in some cases, liberal relationships can also include frequenting other people, although this is not always the usual thing.
  • First of all, you should know that liberal relationships are not for everyone. If you are someone emotionally dependent on your partner, jealous or insecure, it is not worth even trying to maintain a liberal relationship as this will wear you down and affect you emotionally in a significant way.
  • Assume that it is not for you, discuss it with your partner and if they do not reach an agreement, think seriously about the direction of the relationship, because the result will not be positive.
  • The first key to managing a liberal relationship is communication. There are many types of liberal relationships, what is yours? Setting boundaries is very important so that both of you are clear.
  • There are couples established in a formal way that simply live their social life without so many ties, going out with their friends, sharing with their environment without the need to always be together. There are others in which, in addition to this, there is no commitment of fidelity. Whatever the case, both of you need to know where you are and what the limits are.
  • If you have decided to maintain a liberal relationship, jealousy and insecurities have no place. It is important to trust the partner and understand that greater freedom does not necessarily imply more debauchery. Once they have defined the codes of the relationship, both must be clear of what the panorama is, so there is nothing left but to trust.
  • Managing a liberal relationship successfully implies knowing how to give space to your partner. Space for you to live as you wish, space for you to have your social life outside the relationship if you want, space for you to save explanations when you deem it necessary. It is important to understand that not everyone can handle this situation, so you have to be willing to compromise, negotiate and understand.
  • Liberal relationships are characterized precisely by the freedom that exists in the couple, so it is very important that neither of them feels trapped. Learning to give freedom is essential in this type of union.
  • She also works on sexual communication and chemistry, to make the connection on the intimate plane powerful and intense. This is a good way to stay close to your partner and create a solid relationship beyond social conventions.
  • All these tips to maintain a liberal relationship are worth applying when there really is a solid union in the couple. But, if more than a liberal relationship it is about something casual or a temporary “roll”, this type of relationship must be handled in another way.
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