How to How to get over unrequited love

How to get over unrequited love


The tickling in the stomach, the anxiety and excitement when you see that person coming, the good humor, the easy laugh, all are undoubted symptoms that you are attracted to someone. Love is a unique feeling, but when we realize that the other does not feel the same it can become a bitter and unpleasant experience, which leads us to question ourselves, but although this moment can be hard to pass there are some ideas and techniques to help you find a solution and discover how to overcome unrequited love.

Steps to follow:

  • It is logical that you feel doubts about your personality or your appearance when you discover that you are not reciprocated, but it does not make sense to blame yourself for it, if you really feel that there is a fault in you instead of focusing on the negative, make an effort to correct it and change, so you will be able to take advantage of this experience.
  • First of all, you are the most important person, you must love and respect yourself, therefore try to seek strength and continue on your way, always thinking about what is  best for you.
  • Make the decision that makes you suffer the least. Sometimes in order not to lose that person, we decide to stay close as friends despite not being reciprocated in love, but this can increase suffering, so even if it costs you, it is best to mark distance, at least until you overcome it.
  • Go out, distract yourself, find new activities, do things that make you feel good, that allow you to raise your self-esteem, do not let this experience make you feel that you are worthless. Understand that love and attraction have to do with tastes and preferences and what does not like one another is passionate.
  • Remember that every process takes time, do not despair to overcome sadness from one day to the next, find something to fill your leisure hours, focus on yourself and give time to act and thus get over this unrequited love.
  • Don’t let this experience condition you for the future, remove sadness and resentment from your heart and start over. Where you least imagine it, you will find someone who values ​​you and wants to be with you.


  • If you feel that this experience has been too intense for you and that you cannot overcome it alone, do not hesitate to go to a specialist
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