How to How to get over a troubled relationship

How to get over a troubled relationship


Recovering from a romantic breakup is always a process that takes time and in which we experience various emotions, but when it comes to a problematic union, the task can be made even more difficult due to the psychological consequences that these types of bonds leave. If you are in this process, in this article we give you some useful tips so that you can discover how to overcome a conflictive relationship and start again.

Steps to follow:

  • After a conflictive relationship, it is normal to feel physically and mentally exhausted,  but it is also common to be very emotionally affected as this type of union tends to significantly decrease our self-esteem and make us prone to sadness and depression.
  • They are also relationships in which a significant dependency pattern develops. You need to detect these three aspects so that you consciously strive to overcome them.
  • If you have a hobby in which you know that you are really good or if you have, for example, language skills, go ahead and practice a new activity that keeps you busy but above all that highlights the best of you.
  • The strong dependence that exists in conflictive relationships makes overcoming them an important challenge, that is why every day when you feel weak and want to return, remember the reasons for the separation and all the negative aspects of that union, if necessary, make a list and keep it at hand. the view, so before a moment of sadness you will get the strength to continue, finally what is the purpose of continuing with something that does not work?
  • First your well-being and then the rest. Faced with a breakup, many times they seek to hasten a new relationship between the parties: “I want us to be friends”, this has its time and not in all cases it works. When a union has done us a lot of damage, we should think about ourselves and only take the step of contacting that person again (if it is worth it) when we are recovered.
  • A conflictive relationship makes us a bit addicted to drama, get rid of this mania and do not seek to know about the other person not through social networks or with acquaintances because the truth could hurt you even more. Try not to be part of a spiral of masochism.
  • Go shopping, update your wardrobe, watch comedy movies, play a sport, exercise, change your look, go on a trip with friends, share more with the family, carry out a plan you’ve always wanted to do. These recommendations are valid to overcome any type of relationship, even a conflictive one.
  • Remember how valuable you are and that despite the fact that in your past relationship both made mistakes, it is time to learn from them to improve yourself and become a better person, for you and for you. Don’t just focus on the negative and see this as an opportunity to change.
  • Conflictive relationships leave us important consequences on a psychological level, so it is convenient that you lean on your closest friends to vent or consult a specialist who can guide you. Exercises like meditation, yoga, or Bach flower therapy may help.


  • Take it easy, everything has its processes and overcoming a conflictive relationship takes time.
  • In the event that you feel very depressed, low self-esteem, overwhelmed and with constant negative thoughts, it is convenient that you visit a specialist as soon as possible.
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