How to How to forget your ex-partner

How to forget your ex-partner


When a relationship ends the feelings crowd in a confusing way: sadness, nostalgia, anger, frustration, a roller coaster of emotions that make it take a while to get over the episode. If some time has passed and you realize that you are still in the same place, we give you some important keys so that you can move forward and discover how to forget your ex- partner without dying in the attempt.

Steps to follow:

  • The first step is to remove from your sight everything that reminds you of that person.  After the breakup, it took us some time to save the photos, gifts etc.; it’s time for you to put everything in a box and rebuild those spaces, a metaphor for the reconstruction that your life will suffer.
  • Fill your life with activities, leisure is the worst enemy. Start doing what you did not do with him in this way you will have things just for you, in which that person is not present. Learn a new language, join the gym, do a hobby, take a course, whatever! The key is to be busy and feel useful.
  • Some activities can help you relax and get in touch with yourself, a necessary step to reflect, forgive and forget. Practices such as yoga, Pilates and meditation are great allies to overcome sadness and improve your self-esteem.
  • It is normal that your ex appears in your memories constantly and that nostalgia makes you idealize the relationship. In those moments it is convenient to remember the bad, what made the union complex, despite the sadness this is a new opportunity to start from scratch and rebuild your life.
  • Go out with friends, socialize, go to parties and under no circumstances do you close yourself off to meet new people, even if you don’t even remotely think about getting romantically involved with someone, you don’t know if whoever approaches you can become a good friend or a anything else.
  • Avoid staying in touch with your ex for the first few weeks, this will only make things that much more difficult. It is necessary for both of you to mark a distance to close the wounds and mature the matter, obviously they miss each other and there is custom in between, but do your best until you are ready to regain contact, if it is worth doing (not all ex deserve to be in our lives, that’s clear).
  • Live all the stages that you consider necessary to live and do not rush things. Do not tell yourself after two weeks “I’m ready to be friends”, because it is likely that you are not yet and relive feelings that may hurt you. Time to time, that’s the best advice.
  • To completely forget someone you have to assimilate, understand and forgive everything that happened between you. When you do, you will be amazed at the way that his memory just disappears from your mind, nobody says it is easy, but it is completely possible.


  • Do not isolate yourself or become obsessed with that person, assume it with emotional intelligence and try to overcome this episode.
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