How to How to fan the flame of love

How to fan the flame of love


Lately you feel that your relationship is a little abandoned? Routine, stress, arguments, etc., can make the flame of love melt little by little but you should know that it will only depend on you that your relationship continues on its way and gains strength again. It is important to know how to separate the routine from the life together that you are working on so that you can still feel how magic invades you when you plan a date, go to the movies or on a romantic weekend getaway. In this article we are going to give you a series of keys so that you know how to fan the flame of love with your partner and, thus, you can feel again the butterflies that you feel when you are in love.

Steps to follow:

  • If you want to fan the flame of love, we will have to cultivate both the romantic aspect of the relationship and the sexual area, since it is one of those that is most affected by monotony and habit. We will start talking about the romantic topic because we believe that it is essential to cultivate a good atmosphere of love so that, later, you can enjoy your carnal encounters to the fullest.
  • A good idea to give your partner a differential touch is to simulate your first date. Yes, yes: you heard right! Stay in a neutral point (restaurant, park, etc.) and pretend you don’t know each other, explaining your life, your tastes and hobbies, and so on. This will lead to a very fun flirting and seduction process, as well as remembering why you fell so much in love with each other.
  • You can also regain passion and romance in your partner by exploiting your most infatuated side and, yes, being even a little “cheesy”. Everyone likes it when, from time to time, they say nice words, give it attention and get a smile of blush and happiness, so do not be afraid of this and, from time to time, be romantic: Send her a nice message like “I can’t stop thinking about you”, “I’m dying to see you”, “I love you so much I would burst with love”, and so on.
  • In addition to this that you can do from time to time, you can also surprise him one day with a romantic letter in the mailbox. Some nice words that you want to dedicate, a story about your relationship, or whatever comes to mind! Some precious words that will make him fall in love with you more and feel very special.
  • Another way to be a little more romantic in your day to day is to give your partner gifts for no reason. Do not wait until it is her birthday or Valentine’s Day to present her with something that you know she is very excited about, give it to her one day just because and you will see how happy she gets.
  • You can also opt for celebrations for no reason, that is, on any given day, surprise them with something special such as, for example, a romantic dinner , a spontaneous plan (going to a concert, having a picnic on the beach, etc.) or any other idea that you can think of. There is nothing more satisfying than having a person by your side who pays attention to you and who wants to make you happy every day.
  • Many times routine, fatigue or obligations mean that we do not spend enough time with our partner and that the days go by without even realizing it. For this reason, to fight against monotony, a good idea is to schedule one day a week just for you and, that day, one of the two will be in charge of planning the appointment, in this way, we get both of you to be involved in the future of your relationship and that, in addition, you enjoy fun, different moments and feel like spending more time together. In this article we give you some tips so that you know how to have fun as a couple.
  • Now we are going to speak purely of the sexual field. To fan the flame of love in bed, it is important to try to escape, as much as you can, from routine and boredom. Therefore, it is best to cultivate your most spontaneous and surprising side by leaving behind the “sexual dates”, that is, Saturday night, Friday afternoon, etc., and surprise your partner any day of the week , anytime, anywhere to get you turned on.
  • We are not talking about you making love on all corners but that you fan their desire and sexual arousal on any occasion. A subtle touch, a wet kiss or a sexy confession in the ear can be enough to add that spicy part to your relationship and make sex an adventure again.
  • The game of sexual roles is also a fun technique to get live a different sexual experience. This game consists of each of you transforming into another person, the one you want, you can pretend to have a blind date and pretend to be another different person, with another job, another name and, in general, another life.
  • You can also try sexy costumes like, for example, the nurse, the policeman, the fireman, the schoolgirl, etc., it is another more erotic and spicy way to play this game and get some of your fantasies fulfilled. Given free rein to your imagination and enjoy a different and impressive experience.
  • It is also important to be generous in sex and not always expect all encounters to end in intercourse. Giving pleasure to the other just because, because you want to make him happy, is also a very spicy way to fan the flame of love and prevent routine from being established in your sexual practices. Therefore, you can surprise him one day while you are watching television with a session of oral sex or some touching that they put a thousand and in which you do not ask for anything in return.
  • Add a dose of mischief to your encounters by trying new positions that are more exciting and different from those you have never tried. You can also get fun erotic toys such as handcuffs, Kama sutra dice, blindfolds, vibrators, etc.
  • Open your mind to new experiences and introduce new forms of pleasure into your bed in order to make passion take over the room again. You will see how much fun you have and how much you will have to do again.
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