How to How to create a perfect life in 3 steps

How to create a perfect life in 3 steps


Who does not want to live a life free of limitations, blockages and always enjoying abundance, prosperity and happiness at all times? Few people could say that they are completely satisfied with the lifestyle they lead today, and what they really need is to know how to create a perfect life, so that they feel fully satisfied in every area of ​​it. In this article I show you 3 steps you must follow to start creating the perfect life you’ve always wanted.

Avoid focusing on what you don’t enjoy in your current life

A perfect life depends on the way you choose to perceive each moment you have in this world; many people choose to focus on what bothers them the most, what they do not currently enjoy and spend a large part of their time complaining and angering that keeps them in a state of mind that they themselves detest. It is true that many times having a perfect life seems like something very difficult to live, especially if we stop to see how some people seem to attract abundance, prosperity and happiness easily and quickly, while you find yourself still struggling and that drives you away. Too much of the perfect life that everyone dreams of. The idea of ​​avoiding focusing on the things that you do not enjoy, a successful person, with a perfect life, lives focused on what brings him joy, happiness and all kinds of sensations and emotions that connect him with the life they want, so it doesn’t matter if you currently have the financial freedom you want, or are still paying off some commitments you made. Avoid complaining, do not point in negative situations.

Make it a habit to use positive affirmations.

One of the most effective ways to start living the perfect life you’ve always dreamed of is to use positive affirmations that dictate exactly what you want. But it is not only about building cards with positive affirmations and repeating them as if you were a broken record, rather it is about introducing them to your belief system generating the emotions and sensations that you think you will feel once you have what you want in your life. So:

  1. Write the statement in the present form decreeing the perfect life you want to live
  2. Cut out cards and illustrate your statement in addition to writing the complete sentence
  3. Take it with you and repeat it daily, focusing on feeling as if you already lived that life you want, you will begin to see concrete results in the following days, be constant.

Practice meditation and visualization of the life you want.

The last step is about meditating at least once a day to keep yourself balanced so that you don’t allow worry and stress to fill your life. A perfect life is lived when we know the tools that will help us stay happy even in spite of having to face difficult situations in some areas of our life. Another thing you must remember is to visualize yourself daily living the type of perfect life that you have created in your imagination, feel the way you want, with the profession that makes you happy, sharing as a family and being a highly successful person. Set aside a few minutes every day to indulge in these images and wait to see the results of following these 3 steps over a period of 30 days.

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