How to How to build a stable partner

How to build a stable partner


It seems that all people tend to look for our better half, and end up forming a stable couple. This is not an easy job, and there are different factors that come into play that can make the difference between hitting the target or staying halfway. Today, with social media and new media, relationships seem to have become more sporadic and, in a way, more digital. However, being clear about some things can be decisive when it comes to having a partner, keeping it, and making the relationship grow. If you are one of those people who are looking for something serious, leaving aside the sporadic or fleeting.

Don’t settle; do not conform.

Initially, most of us have the idea that when we decide to have a partner, we do it because we are in love or that person attracts us in an incredible way. However, it is not uncommon to find people who tend to settle for the first person who appears in their life. If the person we decide to be with does not fill us, or if we do not fill our partner, it is difficult for the relationship to come to fruition. We have to value our partner and feel valued by her, and if two people do not fill each other, there is a void that sooner or later will destroy the relationship. You should not have the feeling that you are with the person in front of you because you are not able to achieve anything better or because you simply feel comfortable, because a relationship involves many more things.

Getting to know each other takes time.

Following the previous point, it is possible that you know a person with whom you have not had a crush at first sight. In fact, many people start dating after a long time has passed since the day they met. This can happen because a new situation arises that has never occurred before, or because people know each other better or have an experience together that lights a spark that never existed before. Once we start a relationship and want to find a stable partner, the important thing is to get to know each other, and that takes time.

The rush is not good.

Getting to know each other takes time, and finding a stable partner too. Even though there are no secrets or set rules, some relationships can go wrong by going too fast. To better understand this, we could draw several imaginary lines, each one involving going up one more step in the relationship. If we go from the first level to the fifth too quickly, or even skipping some of the previous steps, reaching the point of finding a stable partner can be very difficult. Each relationship can be woven in a different way, but trying to savor each new step that we take with our partner is something that should be enjoyed.

The trust.

Trust is one of the steps that we explained in the previous point. Trust is one of the objectives to be achieved in the relationship, and it is something that is achieved over time. Once again, we see that to build a stable couple, we have to review the previous points, to see that everything fits and makes sense. Trust is one of the most precious assets in a relationship, and also one of the most difficult to achieve. Confidence is believing in your partner, leaving jealousy aside, obtaining a mutual level of freedom that at the same time unites you more than ever. Building a stable partner is impossible without trust, because it is like trying to travel in a car with a wheel that is losing air.

Think about the future.

Someone who wants to build a stable partner is someone who lives in the present, enjoying every moment, but who looks to the future, thinking about plans and projects with his partner. If all of the above has worked, two people who love each other will think about charting a journey together that goes far beyond a round trip. It is a long journey that requires effort and sacrifice, but has the advantage of being accompanied. Thinking ahead is trusting the relationship and it is a sign that we care about forging a relationship in the best way that we know how, making sure that we do and will do things right. At the same time, thinking about the future helps us build a stable couple, because we can know which paths we want to take and which ones to avoid.

Accept flaws, appreciate virtues.

If we are clear that we want to build a stable partner, we must look at the person in front of us and assume that he is not perfect and that he will never be, just as you are neither nor will you be. The magic is in knowing how to see those virtues that make our partner a special person and that attract us to her, as well as accepting and trying to understand their defects, assuming that we all have them. This allows us to both admire the things of our partner and try to learn from them. In a way, it is a way of bonding, which is difficult to achieve, but highly desirable by most people who are looking to build a stable partner. Understanding takes time, but when it is achieved, a glance can replace any word.

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