Couple How to break the couple routine

How to break the couple routine


One of the most common problems that couples face is monotony, not only intimately but also in their daily lives, in which routine is often presented as a great enemy that leads to boredom and lack of emotion in the union. Breaking with the couple’s routine is not always an easy task, however, it is enough that both of you propose to do it so that you can work in favor of a much more varied and lively relationship.

Steps to follow:

  • To start breaking the couple’s routine, the first thing they should be very clear about is that they will have to get out of their comfort zone. The days of always doing the same thing are over, the time has come to innovate without stipulated schedules and without strict rules, are you willing to accept the challenge? If the answer is yes, continue reading.
  • Begin by making different plans each day, small changes in your daily life that will help you renew the time you share with your partner. The days of always lying on the couch are over, you can start by leaving home and:
  • Going to a gym together, exercise will help you be more comfortable and active.
  • Take dance classes in any discipline that appeals to them.
  • Go skating two afternoons a week.
  • Make routes or bike rides.
  • Go more to the movies.
  • Going out to recreate the first date together is sure to bring back memories!
  • Review the agendas of events in your city and go to those that interest you most.
  • Start a hobby together about an interest you have in common.
  • Going out for a picnic in good weather.
  • Stroll somewhere they have time without visiting.
  • Hang out more with friends you don’t see as often anymore.
  • Start a course on any subject that seems fun or appeals to them, for example Japanese cuisine, CrossFit classes, martial arts, a language, whatever!
  • Go to exhibitions about the topics that interest them the most: art, cars, furniture, second-hand items, craft beer. The reality is that there is always something going on in cities that may be interesting to you.

The goal is not to spend one day after another and another locked in the house ordering food at home. There is always something to do outside, why not try it?

  • Breaking the routine as a couple does not necessarily imply leaving the house or investing money in some activity, there are things that you can also do at home and that will help you get out of the monotony and have fun together. Can’t you think of anything? Here are some proposals:
  • Make a weekend of themed movies: horror, science fiction, animated, children, choose your favorites! Popcorn, drinks, chocolates and enjoy that sofa.
  • Cooking something together, a great way to share.
  • Redecorate some space in the house in a creative way: with recycled materials, painting the walls, whatever leads them to use their imagination.
  • Make a homemade dish that they have never tried before.
  • Organize a night of homemade cocktails and loud music, a good private party without leaving home.
  • If you think that monotony problem is especially present in the sexual sphere, then at the moment of breaking the couple’s routine in intimacy and raising the temperature of those encounters. Here are some ideas:
  • It varies in sexual positions, enough to always use the same positions, pleasure has many faces.
  • Leave the room and start having sex in other parts of the house, you will see how different it is.
  • Do what you have not done for so long and that you know he likes.
  • Disguise yourself! The role plays are exciting and fun, it’s tried it.
  • Try a sex toy that you have always been curious about, it can be a lot of fun.
  • Include in your foreplay erotic ingredients to lick and suck like chocolate or whipped cream, a classic that always goes well.
  • Try sex in a public place, it may be crazy but why not give it a try?
  • Treat yourself to a romantic getaway and enjoy a few days (or hours) together without interruptions.
  • Prepare a romantic dinner or a special breakfast.
  • Get back that affectionate nickname you used to say to him before. Speak to him with a little more sweetness and don’t be afraid to be loving.
  • Kiss and hug him more, much more! Do not forget the caresses, affection and gestures of love, which will help improve your intimacy significantly.
  • Tell him what you like and what you want to receive in bed, don’t be afraid to talk dirty to him or tell him everything you want him to do to you. You will see how exciting it is.

But above all, do not settle for the usual, to break the routine as a couple in bed it is important to always think about new things and imagine, that way you will both always have fun.

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