Couple How to be happy as a couple

How to be happy as a couple


Being good at maintaining any type of relationship is a challenge. And not to mention when we refer to a relationship. Every sentimental relationship begins with a fire and a passion that seems to last forever but, despite our regret, after some time it tends to lose intensity, so keeping it on is the task of both parties in the relationship. If you are looking to keep the flame of your relationship burning, then we will reveal how to be happy as a couple and enjoy with your partner for many years.

The discussions.

We are not going to fool ourselves: there are no perfect couples and it is very normal for them to argue from time to time. Remember that we are talking about two independent beings, with different values ​​and different interests, so it is normal that there are moments when you have to stand up and express what you have in mind and that, obviously, it will not be the same as the other person has.

The important thing in these situations is to know how to manage your arguments; it is not a competition where the winner will receive a prize, so it is not necessary to hurt the other person with words if the discussion does not go in your favor.

Learn to speak, not to argue, so that your arguments do not sound aggressive and if even so with the discussion an agreement has not been reached, do not worry, give your partner time and then return to address the subject, being the most gentle as possible.

Forgive and trust to be happy.

“To err is human” and being in a relationship does not make us immune to this reality. The most normal thing in a relationship is that at some point you make mistakes or your partner will; it is here when that moment is generated in which a couple will grow or deteriorate.

To be happy as a couple, it is important to know how to forgive the other person, it is very important to be happy as a couple. If it is you who made a mistake or did something wrong, acknowledge it, talk about it with your partner and assure him that it will not happen again, being able to forgive and not hold a grudge is something that makes you grow as an individual and that will make the couple happier.

Always have common ground.

At the end of that first moment of passion, couples often discover that they have less in common than they had thought. It is at this time that it is very important to discover what things you are able to enjoy together. Any activity is good to achieve this approach, but it is also good to maintain your own interests.

In this way, whenever there is a difference, both of you can carry out that activity that you are both passionate about and rearm the flame of happiness as a couple.

The little big details.

At the beginning of a relationship we give our best, we are very careful with the other person and we pay attention to many small details that the other person does not take long to get used to.

It happens that, as time goes by, people tend to take situations and attitudes for granted and this makes those details that we previously had begin to disappear, slowly taking with them the happiness that being a couple represented.

So, to be happy as a couple something that you should always keep in mind are those gestures that although they seem little have a giant impact on our partner, be able to always say “I love you”, “I love you”, “Have a good day ”,“ good night ”and“ how was your day? ”.

All these phrases that seem so simple transmit many things, things that your partner needs to hear to reaffirm that mutual affection, things that if you are able to maintain happiness as a couple over time will be something very lasting.

The importance of physical contact.

Who doesn’t like to receive a hug? And this gesture is something that should always be present in a couple. You do not need any particular reason to hug your partner, maintaining this physical contact helps reaffirm the love you have and also feels very rich.

An important detail that couples sometimes lose as time passes is walking hand in hand, this simple gesture reaffirms the companionship of the relationship, both walking together, the same path and at the same time, what better way to represent a couple, have you ever noticed how cute two old men are walking hand in hand?

Be friends with your partner.

The fact that a man and a woman are a couple does not mean that they cannot be good friends and, yes, it is true, all our life there has been this discussion of: “If you are his partner, you are not his friend” but this is not correct because both labels are not exclusive. You will discover that, to be happy as a couple , you must also be good friends, make jokes, laugh alone in an accomplice way by making a joke that only the two of you will understand, be companions and confidants, and so on.

Focus a little less on the “me”.

We all have our routine and obligations that tend to overwhelm us, the stress that the work environment can sometimes generate makes us want to vent by telling our partner everything that happened. But this is where you should get off the horse for a moment, the safest thing is that your partner’s day has not been easy either and he feels the same need as you to tell it.

Therefore, if you are the one who comes straight to throw all the anecdotes without even asking him how he has been, unconsciously you will form in his head the idea that his things are less important. So before you throw all your frustration of the day on her, ask the simple question “How was your day?” and really listen to it, then there will be time to tell your story.

The couple’s time.

While it is true that the time shared with your partner is important to maintain the relationship, so is the time that you do not spend together. This statement seems strange to many people, but just as with desserts, eating a lot of sweets together can be cloying.

Something similar happens with couples. The two of you should enjoy both your time together and your time apart and, thus, you will enjoy friends and you can cultivate that piece of individuality that is so important. This will help you maintain your individuality and improve the relationship greatly.

The intimacy of the couple.

This is a much disputed point in all couples and regardless of the frequency with which they have intimate moments; the most important thing is to always be able to surprise.

So, to be happy as a couple you must be creative, organize romantic situations, visit a different place every so often to eliminate the monotony of the marriage bed. Dare to innovate in sex and use toys as costumes and try the game of the roles changes. All of this will help you maintain the chemistry of romance and will do wonders for your privacy.

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