Friend How to be friends with my partner

How to be friends with my partner


There is nothing healthier in a relationship than being able to interact with your partner as if he were your friend, that is, being able to party with him, do different social activities and, above all, be able to be in a group of people independently and funny. There are some couples who only have a life “as a couple”, that is, they make plans either with other couples or alone but they never know how to relate from another plane with the person with whom they share day to day and, in the long run, this can affect to the relationship because it can make you end up getting bored with each other. In this article we are going to give you some tips so that you know how to be friends with your partner and that, thus, your relationship is as durable as possible.

Steps to follow:

  1. If you want to be friends with your partner, we start by asking you a basic question that will mark that change in the relationship: Do you spend enough time with them? Many times the routine, the day to day and confidence makes us stop watering the relationship plant and, therefore, it can end up rotting in a corner of the home. For this, it is important that you think about your relationship, that you want to take care of it and give it the attention it deserves.
  2. Think about one thing: When a friend comes home, don’t you turn off the TV, give him something to drink, and are you alone for him? Well do the same with your partner, it’s very easy! You just have to pay attention when he arrives, ask him how he is, dedicate even 30 minutes to him and, thus, be able to know how your day is going without the conversation focusing only on the dinner you are going to have or on the obligations you have to do. Have a glass of wine or a soda, sit relaxed for a while and talk.
  3. You have to try to see your partner also as your friend and, for this, if you want to have fun you do not need to call some friends but try to satisfy your desire for fun by going out with your boyfriend/girlfriend. This change in mentality is important that you do if you want to become their friend, because, thus, you can begin to see each other as fun companions and not just as the partner with whom you go to the movies, to dinner or to take a walk on the beach.
  4. Going together to go bowling, to a concert, to have a few drinks or to a disco can be great ideas to promote a more friendly relationship and not so much a couple. Breaking with the traditional and exploring new ways of relating is important to be able to reinvent each other and, above all, never get bored together!
  5. If you’ve been with your partner for a while and you’re not sure what to do when you’re alone, do the following exercise: try to remember what you were doing when you started dating. All couples begin to be together to spend more time with each other and, surely, at the beginning of your relationship you did not stop doing things and a multitude of plans, right?
  6. Well now is the time to regain that passion and interest for the other, so remember what it is that you liked to do so much and, on any given day, surprise your partner with this plan. You are sure to love it! In addition, starting to make different plans together will motivate the two of you to start thinking about other activities to enjoy in your company.
  7. It is also very interesting to start cultivating a common hobby because, in this way, you will be able to relate as friends as well as spending more time together and, also, meeting other people. For example, you can go for a bike ride every weekend and then go out to eat or have a picnic, you can also try some sport together such as paddle tennis, golf, etc.
  8. Trying to do an activity together will unite your bonds as a couple and make you have a great time when you are together. There is nothing healthier than creating a life together with your partner that goes beyond being at home or going to the movies. Squeeze your possibilities and you will see how much your relationship can give of itself!
  9. In order to be friends with your partner it is also important that you trust each other and that you support each other in good times and bad. This quality is found in all types of relationships but the basic difference is that in a couple, sometimes, the relationship becomes vitiated and in the end you can hardly have a conversation without arguing or anticipating the other’s thought. But don’t you do that with a friend?
  10. If one day a friend calls you to give you news, tell you about a problem or ask for advice, the safest thing is that you stop doing everything you are doing and pay your maximum attention. In addition, you will listen to him carefully, you will use empathy to be able to advise him and you will maintain maximum respect for his person. Well, do the same with your partner, even if what he / she tells you does not seem important, for him / her it is so try to act the same way you would act when you were with a friend.
  11. It is also essential that you avoid routine in your relationship as much as possible. In fact, monotony is the greatest enemy of love, passion and romanticism so, even if you live together, you should try to propose different plans, cultivate that most spontaneous part of yourself and, above all, not let yourself go with the flow. And the boredom that plagues many couples.
  12. In this sense, you should try to reserve one day a week for your partner and think of an original, different and fun plan to do. Explore the possibilities that your locality offers you and try new things together: it is a way of ensuring that each appointment is surprising and that you regain the passion and joy of being together.
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