How to How to be a better boyfriend

How to be a better boyfriend


Do you want to improve your relationship with your partner? There are many tricks that can make your relationship better and that you can easily carry out by making a few simple changes in your life. Keep in mind that a couple is a matter of two, therefore if one of the two is fully involved, the happiness of both will be rewarded and you will make your girlfriend feel the luckiest in the world to have you. Making your partner happy is what a relationship hangs over and, therefore, you just have to want to do it to achieve it.

Steps to follow:

  • We start with a topic but it works perfectly. In order to be a better boyfriend, you just have to be spontaneous, what does that mean? That you surprise her. For example, one day he picks her up at work with a romantic plan for the afternoon and evening (going to the movies and having a romantic dinner is a good idea). You can also choose to receive it at home with a delicious dinner on a romantic table, decorating the atmosphere with scented candles and background music, it will hallucinate!
  • One of the problems of couples is routine; We quickly integrate the new person into our day-to-day lives and, little by little, the magic can be diluted. So that this does not happen, we just have to take the reins of the relationship and decide to be spontaneous by surprising your partner with unexpected plans.
  • Couples always share everything, or almost everything, that is why, in addition to being romantic partners, they become confidants, companions of secrets, fears and illusions.  So, if you want to improve your relationship and show your girlfriend what a good boyfriend you can be, we recommend that you support her in complicated situations, even if they seem silly to you. Take everything she tells you seriously and become her shoulder of support.
  • For example, you may have had an argument with a friend of hers that for you may be silly but do not take away the value it has for her: listen to her, empathize with her feelings and you will be able to make your relationship strong.
  • In the same way that you have to be there in the hard times, you also have to be there in the good times and share the joys and illusions with her. A good way to be a better boyfriend and show your partner how much you care is to make every joy a cause for celebration; she will feel valued, loved, and highly respected.
  • Although it seems silly, she will appreciate you that, for example, if a meeting that she has been planning for a long time has gone well or if she has managed to lose those extra pounds, why not congratulate her on her merits in a special way? You don’t need to exaggerate the celebration either, but you do need to have a detail, a flower, a special dinner, a romantic plan, whatever comes to mind! The idea is that you be an accomplice in both their bad and good moments.
  • We all know that women are conceited and that, as a general rule, they take care of their image to look beautiful and attractive. So, if you want to be a good boyfriend, you can’t miss the opportunity to tell her how beautiful she is. The flattering comments towards her will always feel attractive physical appearance, safe with your relationship and dear to you but watch this: be honest and tell the blandishments when you actually go inside.
  • That is, if he just got up and hasn’t had a good night, chances are he’s not at his best so don’t say anything to him because he may think you’re playing a joke on him or, worse, that you’re laughing at her. Try to say the compliment when you see her pretty, when that comment is really natural. She will notice your sincerity and will love that you notice her appearance.
  • In addition to flattering comments on his appearance, it’s also good to remind him how much you like him, every now and then. Showing her what makes you crazy about her is a good step to improve your partner and enjoy a more passionate and romantic relationship. For example, if you fell in love with their goodness, their love for animals, the way they take care of the people they love or their joy and good humor, remind them. Tell him that you love it like this and give him a kiss. You will drive her crazy with your compliments to her personality.
  • If you asked a group of women what qualities they value most in a man, surely more than half of them would say the adjective “affectionate”. And it is that women always look for partners who pamper us, take care of us and make us feel special. Therefore, if you want to be a better boyfriend, we recommend that you exploit your most affectionate side and be more attentive to your partner: give him a kiss just because, while he is cooking, approach from behind and give him a kiss on the back of his neck, say flattering words from time to time from time to time, and so on. If you can make her feel special, you will make your relationship improve and your girlfriend feel full.
  • It is also important that you dedicate time to your relationship and your life together. Therefore, banish the sofa and make plans with him at least once a week to be together and alone. Enjoying your company is vital to having a full and satisfying relationship. So why don’t you find a plan to do together on the weekend? They can be many: from a getaway to a rural house, to a massage and relaxation session or a dinner in a romantic restaurant.
  • Think that to be able to be well in a relationship it is essential to spend time together and, many times, these “dates” are lost when living together and spending every day in your company. But it is not the same to be on the couch watching a movie than to go out to do some activity together, right? So, reserve one day of the weekend just for you.
  • Respect their space and independence. In order to have a healthy and respectful relationship, it is essential that each member of the couple has their own friendship relationships, their individual outings and, ultimately, their own space. If on Friday she wants to go out with her friends to have dinner and to dance, do not put any impediment on her, make a bad face or generate an argument; On the contrary: be happy for her and you want her to have a good time.
  • Above all, emotionally dependent relationships should be avoided, as well as unfounded jealousy and being possessive. If you want to be a better boyfriend you have to, above all, respect your girlfriend and accept her decisions, her plans and her life.
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