How to How to avoid infidelity

How to avoid infidelity


All of us have ever felt the deep fear that our partner is unfaithful to us, this is sometimes what leads many people to assume an attitude of constant jealousy that, added to the tension and daily problems, end up generating a cocktail explosive that is difficult to maintain. Avoiding infidelity depends on many factors to take into account, we will approach it from the point of view of a healthy relationship and the elements that you must have so that infidelity does not become a shadow that lurks.

Steps to follow:

  • It is good to clarify that infidelity does not always occur for the same reasons. Sometimes people commit to individuals who do not respect them, who have had various romances outside the relationship, and for whom fidelity is not an important value. In these cases, it is very difficult to prevent them from being unfaithful to us, and the best and healthiest solution is to end the union.
  • In couple relationships there are usually no total culprits. Relationships are built between two and are also maintained between two. Remembering this is important when seeking to maintain a healthy union in which fidelity is always present.
  • Routine and sexual monotony are often weighty causes that lead to infidelity, so it is important to keep the flame burning in intimacy, not be afraid to explore, try, have fun,  indulge fantasies and have a good time in bed no matter how long it takes. bring together. The sex is important in a relationship and has a very high importance, increasing complicity and union, so we should not abandon.
  • Communication and attention are also key in any relationship and important pieces to avoid infidelity. Many people claim that they have cheated on their partner by not feeling connected to this person. The lack of communication and details with our partner leads us to isolation within the relationship itself, which generates a complex panorama, opening up space for the possible entry of a third party.
  • It is important to tell and show the other how much we care. Affection, physical and emotional attention are ways to keep the bond of love alive. Respect and trust are also fundamental values ​​that are present in healthy relationships and that help maintain a caring environment in which infidelity hardly takes place.
  • In the aspect of communication there is one point that is important to highlight: be honest. Communicating with our partner not only means talking, but also telling the truth, saying when something bothers us, we don’t like it, it worries us. In this way, if something is not right, both will be able to resolve the conflict in a healthy way, without distancing themselves or deteriorating the relationship.
  • Caring for your partner and spending time with him is important to make both of you feel more connected and avoid infidelities. However, everything must have a balance, it is never advisable to absorb the other or become dependent, this could generate a feeling of overwhelm that far from helping hurts.
  • Jealousy, insecurities, mistrust, are negative feelings that destroy the relationship and, on many occasions, push another to infidelity. If your partner is faithful to you but you constantly accuse him of the opposite, what prevents him from being really unfaithful if there is no trust?
  • There are many causes that can lead another person to be unfaithful, however when there is a healthy relationship in which there is respect and communication on the part of both, the chances of cheating are reduced. If you have gone through a cheating experience with your partner, there is the possibility of overcoming the infidelity with the work of both and the help of a couple’s therapy, however it is a decision that implies a huge dedication and effort on the part of both with the order to save the relationship.
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