How to How to avoid falling in love fast

How to avoid falling in love fast


Some people have a tendency to fall in love very quickly, and this is sometimes very disappointing. To consider in a short period of time that someone is the love of our life is a serious mistake and it is even more so when this happens too often. We can believe in love at first sight, but that is not enough, but there are more factors that will make us fall in love with another person. If you consider yourself too infatuated, don’t miss this article on how to avoid falling in love fast.

Steps to follow:

  • First of all, you must learn to differentiate the fact of being in love with someone from having a friend, a co-worker or any other affective bond. We cannot consider the first person who shows us care and affection as the love of our life.
  • In this way, the process of falling in love requires time and knowing the other person thoroughly. Sometimes we feel lonely, we become fond of a person and we consider ourselves in love, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Especially, due to the fact that we are probably not reciprocated, that the other person only considers us a friend.
  • On many occasions, what happens is that we idealize the other person and consider him the perfect person to share our life. In this way, lovers try to avoid disappointment, but the truth is that we must not convince ourselves that there are no defects in him or her, we all have them.
  • The fear of being alone is another factor that can lead to being too in love, so it will be necessary to face this fear. You must learn to take care of yourself and not depend on another person. Also, they already say that “there is always a broken for an unstitched”, so your true love will come when it has to.
  • It will also be important that, if you feel that you are falling in love with a person, you  do not ask it from the rooftops. And it is that probably-as in the previous occasions – the thing does not end in good port and the relationship does not move forward. In this way, you will avoid creating false hopes and your environment believing that you have finally found a stable partner.
  • To avoid falling in love quickly, there is no magic formula or magic trick, but you must learn to live your life without the constant need to have someone to consider your platonic love.
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