How to How to avoid being reckless

How to avoid being reckless


There are people (I can include myself in that list) who have a special gift for being impertinence and making inappropriate comments that can translate into an uncomfortable situation. However, there is an infallible strategy to avoid being reckless: control what we say.

Steps to follow:

  • Think before you speak and do not say anything just to please someone else, you could be committing recklessness or looking like someone who gains confidence too quickly.
  • It seems from afar, close up too, but if you’re not 100% sure, better shut up. This applies to situations in which, for example, a woman seems to be pregnant, if her mouth does not come out that she is gestating better, obvious the appearance and do not comment on it, she may only have a big belly and you look very bad.
  • The same rule of “it seems but it does not apply to the pairs, those two seem to be a couple just because they have arrived together, but when asked” and how long have they been together? ” you see that they narrow their eyes and say “queue !?”. Whoops, you screwed up. Finally, what do you care if they are a couple? Break the ice by asking what they do and you will look better.
  • Do not ask anyone whom you hardly know from his family, you do not know what situation he is in if he is not a true close friend, so better a “how is everything?”
  • If that person that you have not seen for a while and whose partner you also know shows up on a site without their company, don’t be the one to ask “and so-and-so?”, We never know if the relationship ended and we are committing recklessness. Let someone else ask this question.
  • Check the list of recipients before sending an email to avoid making the mistake of sending information to the wrong person. This step will only take a minute and is well worth it.
  • Always address the person you write in a polite way, do not trust if you do not know who it is and even if you do, remember to always maintain a professional attitude because the content of that email will be recorded in writing
  • Learn to separate things: stay professional at work and leave personal outside the office door. In the same way, if you have friends from work, do not approach them with personal issues in the office, you could make them uncomfortable and commit something reckless.
  • Finally, use social networks wisely, do not make comments that you would be sorry if your boss or your parents read. Remember that in the age of the Internet there is no privacy so you must know how to behave even on the network.
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