How to How to avoid being possessive

How to avoid being possessive


Sometimes couples end up in suffocating relationships where one cannot take a step without the other’s approval. Arguments, jealousy and distrust are consequences of a possessive relationship and, usually, end up badly. Therefore, if in your past relationships you have been a possessive person, it is important that you learn to stop being so in order to enjoy love with a healthy and respectful relationship.

Steps to follow:

  • People often develop possessive attitudes because of one basic element: they lack self-confidence. Low self-esteem and low self-esteem can develop negative thoughts and doubts in the minds of these people who, every time they are not with their partner, doubt their love, their fidelity and their words.
  • The origin is that they do not love themselves and, then, how is your partner going to love you? So, the first step to stop being possessive is to learn to love yourself, to respect yourself and to understand that a couple is the union of two independent people who decide to be together to be happier.
  • Another basic and fundamental point in order not to fall into the error of being possessive is that you trust your partner. Although this may seem like a difficult task, it is essential that, in order to have a healthy partner, you trust her otherwise the relationship will only be discussions, prohibitions and anything but happiness. There is a basic aspect in any relationship, whether or not a couple, and that is respect for the other; It is essential that you respect your partner’s personality, their decisions, their friendships and their wishes.
  • Telling him who he can or cannot relate to, where he can go out or how he can be dressed is a symptom of mistrust and possession that you must eradicate from now on.  Respect for the other is essential for your relationship to go well and last over time.
  • If you find it hard to be calm every time you walk out the door, analyze what is the origin of this discomfort. Many times, we project past feelings into our new relationships that have nothing to do with the current situation and that is a serious mistake because we must learn to forget, forgive and overcome the things that happened in the past.
  • If your current partner was unfaithful and you forgave him, it may be that now you are in a moment in which every time you are not with him, you are suspicious; You should try to work this situation yourself and if you are not prepared to be with that person again, take some time and reflect. A relationship of fears, doubts and suspicions does not lead to a successful conclusion and the only thing that awaits you at the end of the road is suffering
  • The communication is important to improve your relationship and get well, leaving your more possessive side. Communicating means talking, not arguing, so if you feel uncomfortable with something, if something she has done has made you wrong, sit down and talk to her calmly, respecting her turn to speak and, above all, not raising your tone of speech. voice. During these conversations it is difficult to control your nerves but it is essential that you try so that the communication is effective and you end up more united, instead of angry.
  • Keep in mind that speaking, people are understood and any minutia that may have bothered you, you can explain it to them so that they understand it and give you their point of view. In this way, you will get to know each other better, you will respect each other more and you will achieve a healthy relationship.
  • And, above all, if you are possessive because you have not been able to forgive your partner or because they hurt you in the past, we recommend that it is not yet the time to start a new relationship. Give yourself time, heal your wounds and when you are ready you can start from scratch. Having a partner again without having overcome the pains of another relationship or of the same can be a serious mistake that the only thing that will bring you is more suffering. So, take care of yourself and when you are ready share your life with another person but first learn to be well alone.
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