How to How to avoid an absorbing relationship

How to avoid an absorbing relationship


After a time of relationship, you feel like you don’t have time for yourself. You do all the activities with your partner and they have built a relationship based on symbiosis. How long has it been since you shared a moment alone with your friends? How long has it been since you dedicated yourself to yourself? Many times, absorbing relationships lead us to isolation, you could say that I don’t know who I am without my partner. For a relationship to last you must be able to differentiate between those things that you can do with your partner and the things that you must do alone. Find yourself, do not lose your identity and in this way, you can have a healthy and prosperous relationship. Next, we will introduce you, how to avoid an absorbing relationship.

Steps to follow:

  • First, you should talk with your partner about what is happening and express the need to start doing some activities separately. It is necessary for each one to have time for himself, this is one of the most important keys for a relationship to work. Make it clear that it is not that your feeling has changed but that you consider it necessary to make this decision.
  • Try to do activities that don’t involve your partner, such as hanging out with your friends or signing up for workshops. Encourage your partner to do the same. This situation does not imply that they stop doing things together, but rather do some activities separately to preserve each other’s space. It is important that both of you also enjoy doing separate activities and miss each other.
  • When the other person is not with us, we usually miss them, and it is that feeling that allows us to confirm how much we love the other person. Sometimes it is necessary to have the opportunity to miss our partner, but for that we need to perform certain activities separately.
  • Move along. In order to grow in a relationship, it is necessary that both coincide but that they also have certain differences. If a relationship is absorbing, many times, we are not able to see these differences and to learn from them. The couple relationship works when we complement each other and not when we blend in with the other.
  • It is essential not to lose our identity. Our partner fell in love with a person who, given the characteristics of the relationship, is no longer the same. Do not be afraid that this new way of facing the situation will separate them, but on the contrary, it will unite them, since they will learn to value other things that they did not value before.
  • Fine tuning. After this change of attitude in the relationship has already started, talk with your partner about how he feels and what his opinion is on the subject. They should try to be as sincere as possible in order to visualize what are the things that still need to change and what are the things that should be left as they were before. This is a decision of the two.
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