How to How to act after an argument with my partner

How to act after an argument with my partner


It is clear that when something makes us go out of our way, we do not always stop to think about what we do or say, however there are environments in which we may try to control ourselves, such as at work. But when it comes to our relationship as a couple,  sometimes we explode in a way in which self-control seems non-existent, a big mistake that we must learn to improve with emotional intelligence, that is why we give you some keys so that you know how to act later from an argument with your partner.

Steps to follow:

  • In the first place, it is good that you learn the art of moderation, self-control and the work of emotional intelligence, because you may be right to get upset but at the moment you go out of your mind and offend the other you have stopped being right.
  • If in the middle of the discussion you realize that at that moment and with such heated spirits they will not get anywhere, appeal to logic and cut the dispute, propose that both of you cool down to continue talking about the subject with more calm and reasoning.
  • Avoid sending compulsive messages, making a thousand calls or forcing the other to speak if they do not want to, you must allow both of them to have a space to think about what happened and how they will solve it.
  • Reflect on what happened and what motivated the fight, it is important that you know that there is never a single culprit, the relationship is two, and in many cases, one may be more responsible than the other, but both must excuse themselves.
  • If you want to resolve the conflict, put aside the speech of claim and rather look for conciliatory tools, do not take reproaches to extremes.
  • Appeal to calm and if your partner asks for time, give in and give him the space he needs. When arguing, make your points clear but without being hurtful or offensive, the goal is not to hurt the person you love, but rather that both of you reconcile.
  • Do not share with everyone the problem you just had with your partner, if you really need to vent, talk to who you know will be discreet, finally you will not want all your friends to know in detail the intimacy of your relationship.
  • Clarify your ideas, this is vital to think exactly what you want to do. Once you have achieved it, you will be ready to resolve the conflict.


  • When faced with a conflict with your partner, it is important to remain calm, you do not want to say something that you may later regret.
  • Have emotional intelligence, avoid yelling, offenses, and impulsive acts, it is the best for both.
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